They're Growing Up!

What a hectic day! It gets easier...right? We do find the new routine...don't we?

Yes my friends...Miss Peach had her first day of preschool today. In the words of Yoda...A happier camper, you will not find. (OMG...did I just talk like Yoda?)Did you think Nap Warden's daughter would have anything other than a Super Girl backpack? (thank you Walgreen's...$5! *high five*)
Miss Peach awoke, bounced out of bed and said "Mommy, do I get to go to preschool today?"

Remember my whole panic over her long day? Yeah, not an issue. I picked her up, and asked her how it went. At first she seemed a bit quiet, so I said "Do you want to have a shorter day? Mommy can pick you up earlier."

To which she said "No shorter day! Pah-leeze, no shorter day!"

Then she talked all the way home about her new friends, the picture she painted, the book she read, how Mommy had packed too much lunch, and what fun recess was. I'll chalk it up to so far, so good;)
The Little Man had a good day with Mommy...but that's a whole 'nother story!


  1. Wow - that's great! I hope my son loves preschool next year as much as your daughter.

  2. Oh I'm so glad it went well for her and she enjoyed it! I'm not surprised, because you have prepared her well, but I'm still happy for both of you. Of course she is super girl. And I love that you can talk like Yoda. Too much lunch is always better than too little :) Yay Miss Peach and yay to you too. May the happy days continue to roll in. :) ~Susan

  3. That must be such a HUGE relief! I am always breathing BIG sighs when the kids come home and they are happy and excited about school. I'm so glad she enjoyed it so much!

  4. I think the smile on her face says it all! Your kids are just so cute! : )

  5. Woo hoo! Glad to see all those smiles!

    Don't you love preschoolers' accounts of their school days? How wonderful it would be if that enthusiasm for school and learning stayed strong through their entire school careers! It can happen, right?

  6. Woah, woah, woah. So you're saying our kids actually enjoy being away from us?

    ... My heart is getting nervous for the day I have to finally cut the umbilical cord... ;-)

  7. Glad she had a good day! She looks so happy.

  8. Glad she liked it, can't wait for the other story :)

  9. Its so great to hear that she had such a wonderful day.

  10. so is the day too long, or rather the week going to be too long full of too many long days? keep us posted!
    ps, I totally had her hair cut.

  11. They are beyond adorable! And that's so excellent that she did so well in school... wow, that is impressive! Way to go Miss Peach!

  12. Ah yes. He's alone with the mama all day now. Can't wait to hear his tales,too!

    Glad her first day went so well! How'd YOU do, though? :)

  13. Looks like she did great. :) I hope you didn't fair too bad yourself. It will get easier. I promise. :)

  14. I am glad she had a great day! Yes it DOES get easier. My 17 year old sons open house is in 12 min.. am I going? NOPE Sr year.. I will meet all of his teachers later anyway. Besides, he is working tonight.

    You threw in the "whole 'nother" just to irritate the piss outta me didn't you? LOL

  15. She looks so happy to be going to school! Too cute!!

  16. Awww cute!!!

    Seriously amazing, how much she looks like you...with lighter hair!

  17. Lovely pictures!

    I'm glad that the first day went well. It makes the rest of the year sooo much easier when things get off to a smooth beginning!

  18. She has a beautiful smile that lights up blogland for us!! I love it that she has taken to preschool so well. Thank you for the wonderful update.

  19. That backpack is nearly as big as she is! Glad the first day went well!

  20. Cute pictures!! They look SO much like you! I'm glad she likes it.

  21. Yay! I'm so glad she had a good time. I love seeing happy preschool kiddos since mine is going to go for the first time on the 21st! The little ones grow up so fast!

  22. Aww that's adorable! I so need to check the Pharmacy for backpacks next year $5 that rocks!! Great pictures!!!

  23. AW YAY!!!!!!!!
    She looks adorable and I cannot believe she's in preschool!

  24. What a cutie! And so happy. Mine cried the first day and today too. Not too bad but tears none the less. Can't believe they're in school already.


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