One Lucky Elephant #StreamTeam

Shortly after my Maggie was born, one of my good friends stopped by to see the new baby. She popped in at the hospital store and picked out a cute pink elephant for her. That one little pink elephant has touched a chord with my daughter that has grown ever since.

Cut to 10 years later and almost 40 stuffed elephants and me wondering how you help our girl explore this passion for elephants. We don't have any elephants in Chicago. She didn't see her first live elephant until she was 5. We had to fly all the way down to Disney to see them.

Now that summer break has finally started, we've been doing a little Netflixing while mommy works. I was so pleased when Maggie picked One Lucky Elephant!
This is the perfect movie for my little elephant loving girl.

It's the true story of Flora. There is a lot of sadness in her story, as is with many elephants, BUT there were many people who loved her and wanted to find her a happy home. Her journey leads her to the Tennessee Elephant Sanctuary

My girl was so moved by the story, that she signed up to be an EleAmbassador with them. This is her on the webinar.
Yes, that is a bin of elephants next to her and yes, she was over the moon listening to the gentleman at the Elephant Sanctuary tell her all about the good works they are doing. She is so excited to spread the word. I'm sure we've got some lemonade stands in our future where proceeds go to the elephants.

These days, One Lucky Elephant, and the Elecam are in heavy rotation at our house. What are you Netflixing to this summer?

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