So over

It's official ya'll...(Yes I said "y'all...I don't even remember why I reserve the right to use y'all...I'm just using it...OK?)'s official. I. Have. Lost. Control. Of. My. Kiddos!

They need school to start. I need school to start, and we need it like, last week.

I have no where left to take them, we have nothing left to do. Summer is over...and I'm exhausted.

School please.


  1. OMG, I am SO with you on this. Did I mention that my 5yo sandpapered the car yesterday?

    Please, school... START!

  2. So you mean to tell me it get's worse? ( i have a 2 year old daughter) LOL! That's a cool shoe silhouette!

  3. There's plenty to do in the burbs. But you have to drive and you can't be angry ;) Have a great weekend, I have to run (literally), stupid dog got out of the dog run AGAIN!

  4. She looks so forlorn. And Marilyn needs a BATH!!

  5. popcorn and videos.
    It always worked for me .. still does actually :)

  6. Yep ready for the friends to leave the house too.. Do they have homes of their own?

  7. Yeah, Marilyn's looking a little worse for the wear. When does school start?

  8. Right there with you sister. I love summer but I'm really, REALLY looking forward to some ME time.


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