Release the Kraken!

Who saw Clash of the Titans this of hands?

I did...and thanks to Sissy's lack of attention to detail...I saw it in 3-D. AWESOME!!!

This movie (which was your basic fine Holiday fun, action flick) has completely changed the way Husband and I communicate. You'd be shocked how many different ways you can work "release the Kraken" into daily conversation...

-The kiddos wake up in the morning and want us to let them out...Husband gets up and says "Time to release the Krakens!"

-Kitty wants to go on the patio..."Honey, can you release the Kraken?"

-Husband makes me angry, I give him a dirty look, he doesn't notice..."I'm giving you my release the Kraken look."

-Husband heads upstairs to do his business..."I'm going to release the Kraken." (Ummm...tmi, btw)

-Husband gets upset with me, and is wrong...He says "This is my release the Kraken look." To which I say "Bring it on...I've got Medusa's head in a bag buddy!"

Who knew "release the Kraken" was so versatile? I challenge you to work it into a conversation today;)


  1. We're talking about going to see it tonight. I LURVE Sam Worthington and I loved the original, how can you go wrong?

    And Release the Kraken as a euphemism for going pooty is AWESOME and I will be appropriating it tout de suite.

  2. I need to work that 'Medusa's head in a bag' line into some convos with my hubs.

  3. "honey let's go to bed and release the kraken" wink wink

  4. I actually do want to see that movie. Especially since Patrick has the original, very cheesy B movie in our dvd collection... and watches it frequently. Ugh. Decent storyline, but bad special effects in the 70's.

  5. I have not seen it, yet. I do like Liam Neeson's voice, though, which is part of the whole thing, I'm sure. So I'm going to have to wait until we see it before I can do any "Release the Kraken" wisecracks. But lookout Annie!!

  6. I just choked on my water laughing at this! I guess I almost released the Kracken through my nose?! Does that count toward my goal of using it today?!

  7. Great post! I haven't made plans to see it, not that I won't, but I'm just not sure. I do, however, LOVE your uses for "release the kracken!" Perhaps I can work that in related to my students. They're all a bit krackeni-ish at times.

  8. I saw it Saturday night with a bunch of girls for my cousin's birthday and it was great! I totally agree that "release the Kraken" needs to be an everyday phrase, and I'm pretty sure it has endless uses. I'm having a baby in 5 weeks, and if my husband said "release the Kraken" while I was pushing, I might die of laughter.

  9. Sounds like fun, but I think my wife is at her limit with my movie quoting. I take it too a very annoying art form.

  10. I HATED that movie! So disappointing!! tiaras


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