#11 Decisions, Decisions

Daily Chuck...

OK, blah, blah, blah...My girl Heather (what, we're pals now, right? *shaking my head no*) is staining a fence 'er something...meaning I had to go to the hardware store, and find the smallest. can. ever...

Did you know that cat's don't like to have sh*t put on their heads? Crazy, right?

I'm in Home Depot, not one, not two, but three guys came up begging to help me. "What do you need? I can help:)"

Try explaining to a Brawny looking dude in a tool belt that you are trying to learn photography by re creating the Daily Chuck from a blog called Dooce, and that she put a can of stain on her dog's head, so now you have to put some sort of can on your cat's head, only your cat is way smaller than Chuck, so you really don't care what's in the can, 'cause you're going to empty the can before you put it on Smokes head....*crickets chirping...glassy eyes from Home Depot guy as he slowly backs away*

Such is my life.

There's a lot going on in this pic, some good, some not so good...

-I really hate the hot spot on the floor. I HATE it:P My spots don't have settings, so I need to diffuse that light more...perhaps I need to raise them up...not sure...thoughts:/

-The F-stop was set at 3.5. I wanted a bit more blur on the floor cans, so I used the elliptical tool in Photoshop with a feather of 10 and I hit it with a bit of Gaussian blur. I used the same technique to sharpen the can on Smokey's head.

-Since I was hating on the hot spot so much, I added an edge burn to the pic. I could go into a long explanation of how to do that. Luckily, Pioneer Woman has two awesome "action" packs, and Set 1 has a "quick edge burn" action. This is the answer to my question from study #8 on achieving the spotlight effect. (Yay...answers!) Be sure to play with the opacity once you have run the action;)
I had to include this just so you appreciate my plight. The window for taking these shots is like...less than a second:P

Poor Smokey...it's going to be a long year:/


  1. Since you're using spots - are they mounted in reflectors? If so, most photo stores will have clip on diffusers that you can use to attenuate the light so it doesn't 'hot spot' so much.

  2. I have no idea about the photog lesson but I love the pictures of Chuck. I think the pictures of the men at Home Depot would have been priceless too.. not as cute though.

  3. You're hilarious. And I hope your cat gets some catnip or something after this.

  4. Maybe you should have gone with a can of tuna. Then again, that might have caused too much flurry of activity. =>

  5. Cracking up at the thought of you having to explain your project to the Brawny Man. I'm sure it totally made sense to him... Okay, now I'm the one shaking my head *no*.

    It probably went about as well as when I try to explain my Twitter conversations to people IRL. Ha!

  6. Hahaha! Good luck on this endeavor of yours. By the way, this personal safety for women like us might interest you. Thanks and more power!

  7. LOLOLOL. Smokey almost looks regal in that pic! Till you scroll to the bottom! I still have Smokey's Hello Kitty as my screen saver. HAHAHAHA!! Here are some tips on homemade diffusers. http://photo.net/wedding-photography-forum/00EQ8e

  8. I don't know about photography but I can't wait to see each new shot with Smokey sitting (nicely?) allowing you to place anything you want on his head. It's fascinating :)

  9. I am just laughing as I read this. I am picturing you at Home Depot. That is hilarious.

  10. I looooove this idea so much. And, really, you did a pretty amazing job!

  11. I've been balancing crap on my boston terrier for years, I think it started in college. Our current favs: building blocks, play food and matchbox cars. I need to try a can of something...

  12. BTW after seeing today's I'm now convinced Heather's taunting you!! LOLOLOL

  13. Your cat is clearly a model. A real natural, that one.

  14. 1. Your photography is really improving - I can tell a huge difference.

    2. You've got the most patient cat EVER. That split second is more than most would give.

  15. I'm enjoying the photography posts even though F-stop and elliptical tool are like a foreign language to me.

    Where was this Home Depot where employees ask you if you need help? The ones I frequent are ones where I have to search and then stalk orange-vested persons who seem reluctant to notice that I am standing in front of them with an expectant expression.

  16. Awwww. Poor kitty getting things put on his head just so you can practice your photo skills! He's so beautiful. And what's up with Home Depot? You must be killer gorgeous or something cuz no one EVER offers to help me there!

  17. Smokey is gorgeous...which begs the question, is he a Maine Coon? I see what looks like the tell-tale "M" on his head and he sure is as gorgeous as one...Plus I have two of my own. Our third furbeastie is a ragdoll. Oh boy is he!

    I came over to say hello and I think I've ended up making myself comfy. About to go and get some popcorn and something to drink and settle in for a read. I'll try not to make a mess!

    BTW...what do you shoot with? And your glass? What were you using for those shots?

  18. He looks so stoic, even though he's totally gonna get you back! BTW, have you ever seen this site - http://www.stuffonmycat.com/? I can't believe I forgot about it till now.


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