#8 (Not) Forsythia!

Daily Chuck...

Unfortunately, the forsythia bush in front of the entrance to our town home is not fairing as well as my gal Heathers:(

However, the tree growing on our patio (which sprouts these lovely white flowers) is plugging away despite the roller coaster Chicago weather. Smokey really doesn't care that you know this...don't take it personally, he's a big 'ole crabcake;P

Now for my photography question...How does the Doocester get that spotlight look with the fade to black in the corners? Is that done with an actual spotlight, is it a setting on the camera, or is it a nifty Photoshop trick that I have yet to learn?


  1. I know there is a photo editing trick...in photoshop, it is quite lengthy and is best explained here...http://www.mycharmingkids.net/2009/07/olden-daysa-photography-lesson.html

    Hope that helps a bit, if there is a technique when taking the picture, I would love to know as well.

  2. also in that tutorial there is some added bonuses using textures and making them transparent, but selecting the portion of the image, then feathering nad so forth will darken those edges up quite lovely. Like a few of the shots here: http://lifeasamomofboys.blogspot.com/2009/08/what-summer-has-meant-to-us.html

  3. Thanks...I'll totally check those out and let you know. I loves me some Photoshop!

  4. Know anyone who's getting married? Smokey's all ready to be the flower cat. =>

  5. I'm gonna guess the pic was done with photo editing. Of course, what do I know.

  6. He looks pretty peeved. That poor cat. I guess he is earning his keep, though. :-P

  7. Your cat looks sweet in his flowers. I imagine you spend a lot of time with him and his camera.

  8. You'd be a crabcake if someone kept following you around with a camera and putting flowers on your head! Just kidding! He is so darn adorable!

  9. this series is really funny, Cyn. I love it.

  10. I'm so glad you do Boy Crazy...I'm having a blast doing it:p


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