My New BFF?

OK, so I finally met up with girl from the St Pat's party. We had already canceled twice for various reasons (crappy weather) so I didn't know if it was happening today. Would it kill the weather Gods to give me a couple nice days in a row?

The museum we decided to meet up at is about 5 blocks away from our house. This means, I'm loading up the stroller and walking. On a good day, this is a a just sucks:P

I don't know why it's so hard to get my team rolling in the just is. I didn't know what to wear? I had on cute shoes, but the rain was coming down so hard, I switched to rain boots at the last minute. It was a windy rain, the umbrella turned inside out, I was soaking wet. Great...way to put my best foot forward:P

I like her...I do. She is really nice (almost too nice). Her kiddos are just perfect (twin boys). I felt like such a schlep with my tantrum throwing, loud, opinionated kiddos (Miss Peach actually made a boy cry in the playroom).

Bottom line, it's just hard. It's hard to meet new people, and make new friends. I got home, and she had emailed me saying "she had a nice time and would love to get together next week"...Score, I think? I mean we'll see if the second date actually happens. I don't think we scared her away...fingers crossed...and no, she doesn't know about the blog;)


  1. It sounds good! Just because her kids were well-behaved today doesn't mean it isn't an anomoly. (don't feel like checking the spelling on that so if it's wrong, meh.)

  2. Score. She emailed you before the 24 hour mark. Way to go my friend!

  3. It sounds like it went really, really well! Oh, I'm so happy for you. Hopefully, you'll get some more sunny days your way and more opportunities to play.

  4. Yay!! I'm so glad you got good feedback from her. I would hope that since she is a mom she understands the whole tantrum thing and wouldn't hold it against you. Oh, and what do you mean by "too nice"?

    BTW, my kids ALWAYS do that when we are out on a playdate, but then behave like angels when its just us. Super frustrating!!!

  5. I'd call it a success. Good job! We went to a wedding this weekend. Bride is an ex co worker of my husband. She had NO FRIENDS at the wedding. Everyone there was a friend of the groom. It was really sad. Point: having girlfriends is important! So stick with it, even if your kids try to sabotage you, hee hee.

  6. YAY! It sounds like things went well. I'm sure there will be a second play date.

    After meeting somebody new, I'm ALWAYS hoping we didn't make too bad an impression with tantrums and general refusals to share. How come the other person is always the one with the good kid?

  7. Isn't the insecurity and nervousness so funny like you're a teenager again, and dating? I never meet anybody! I want a BFF, too!

  8. I'm glad you (sort of) had a good time . . . it will flow! IT will - and the SUN will shine - next month maybe! hee hee!!

  9. Glad you got together and had a great time. Hopefully the next time you won't feel like a wet noodle. :)

  10. it's so true. It is hard. It's like going on a first date and hoping they will call you for a second. I never ever thought I would feel that way but I have several times in the last few years and like you, think "score" when they do ask to see me again. WTF is that about?

  11. Here's hoping your next date goes well. Sounds like this one was a success.

  12. It is so tough to find friends. It sounds like you are off to a good start. Maybe you'll feel better about it next week sans the crappy weather.

  13.'s all good. Everything will work out. If she's too perfect you're gonna have to ditch her eventually so you might as well let her see the real scene. :-)

  14. This reminds me of I Love You, Man. My exact feeling when I got out of the movie theatre was "Oh my God, I have no female friends!! When the hell did that happen?" When I got pregnant, the few I had just abandoned. I totally need to go on a "chick date" or a few, and make some friends!

  15. Sounds like a great start for you and your new BFF! It is soooooo incredibly tough meeting new people! I met hubby, married him and moved 350 miles from my "town"; then had two babies consecutively and ACK! I woke up one morning thinking "I have no girlfriends that live in THIS town!!" What a horrible slap in the face! I need a new BFF too!

  16. Is their chemistry between you two?

    Just remember, if it doesn't work, there are other fish in the sea.

  17. agrees with those who said, "It's so important to have girlfriends." I tell this to my (very troubled) younger sister all the time. She has yet to heed me. Oh well. And it's hard to make new friends -- just is. Good luck! Sounds as if it went well. If she called you, it's okay. don't worry about the impression your kids made -- we all know they have good days and bad days.


  18. It is so tough meeting other parents and making friends. It really is like dating all over again sometimes.
    So glad you scored another date!

  19. ha! But how long until she finds out that you are blogging about her??? ;0

  20. It IS hard. I always feel like the one with the out of control kids, but I think every mom feels this way and your kids are NEVER as bad as YOU think they are. Her kids MUST have bad days, and I'm sure she knows that. She is likely thinking you were perfect and was dealing with her own insecurities . . . that's how it always works. I bet you'll meet again and it will go well!

    p.s. I blogged about some insecurities I had about meeting new parents from my son's preschool, then months later gave my blog address to a couple moms and a dad from the school. I never knew if they went back that far to read those posts, and they never mentioned it to me. But are still friendly to me :-)

  21. Oh I hate when these things happen on the first play-date... and it's usually me whose having the meltdown kids. Here's hoping that you and your new BFF get a chance for round-2!

  22. You crack me up, You sound so much lke me it is scary!


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