Back In the Pool

Oh my, oh my, oh my. Ya'll, I'm back in the dating pool. OK, not really. You know I have been in this whole "I have no friends" wallowing pool lately? Well, I went to a St. Pat's Day party (took the kiddos with)...anyway, I met someone:O

I know, total friend potential! I feel like I am single girl at the bars meeting cute guys:P Chicky had awesome shoes, awesome jeans, is a runner. She was funny, lives in the 'hood, and she has twins between Miss Peach and The Little Man. I know "where have you been for the last three years?"

We talked for quite a while. I thought about giving her my number, but I wasn't sure...didn't want to seem too interested. Then as I was leaving, she pulled me aside and jotted down her email and said "let's get together soon". Yay!

Now I'm all, "how long do I wait to email her back?" "I don't want to seem to desperate...don't want to scare her off."

Good Lord people...I'm pathetic!


  1. I'm sure she doesn't play by the rules. Email her anytime.

  2. Love this!

    I say you can write the draft up now, but send it tomorrow. Or if you do send it tonight preface it with "If i didn't send this out to you I would probably forget"

    Good luck!

  3. Ha ha! I understand this all too well!

  4. Whatcha gonna wear? What says BFF?

    Hehe...I should stayed longer in the Big City this weekend.

  5. I would be the same way. I like the idea of Domestic Extradinaire, sounds good to me. Good Luck!

  6. You are NOT pathetic. You just wanna meet that special someone :)

  7. Congratulations! Let me tell you, nothing makes life with young children more enjoyable/bearable/enjoyable than having a friend with similar age kids that you can totally relax and kick back with. SERIOUSLY. So go for it. And don't worry, if this one doesn't work out you'll get back out there and find another one, just in case "she's not that into you" hee hee.

  8. It really is sort of like dating, isn't it? It's so exciting to meet a new potential friend!

  9. I totally understand what you mean here. Its the same way for me! Worse probably :P

  10. Motherhood is isolating, let's face it! I'm glad you found someone you connected with. Good luck!


  11. I love meeting new people and creating new friendships. Good luck! :)

  12. LOL! i know this feeling totally and i LOVE your post... I am in the need to be joining the friend dating pool but no clue how. How do grownups meet people to socialize with anyway?

  13. I feel you SO much on this. In fact, I have seriously lost sleep over the fact that someone I gave my email address to never emailed me. For reals. I'm all, "But our kids like each other! You would like me! I promise!"

    I'll go find my giant "L" tattoo for my forehead now.

  14. Luckily "friend dating" is so much easier and laid back than real dating. I say email her today. Yay new friends!

  15. Oh geez... we are so living parallel lives! I say email away and hope for the best. I mean, how could she NOT want to hang out with you fabulous you!

  16. email her already! can't wait to hear more about this fabulous new friend!!!!

  17. Too funny. Go email her!

    Ask her if she has any friends in upstate NY.

  18. yeah!! can I crash the party with my clan?

  19. Oooo! That IS exciting!
    Keep us posted! :)

  20. That is so Exciting! YAY!
    Nervewracking, stomach twisting and exhilarating, but YAY YOU!!!!

    Can't wait to hear more tales from mommydating

  21. This is hilarious!

    Email - it'll be fine.

  22. email her and say how nice it was to meet her. Ask her if she want to grab a cup of coffee without the kids or meet at the park with the kids. Don't be skeerd! She's probably deperate for adult conversation (I say that as the mother of 3 year old twins!)

  23. You are in no way pathetic! I've been looking for that special BFF friend for over 3 years now. Its hard to make female friends when you're a stay at home mom. I say email her soon and maybe suggest a playdate next week. Good luck!

  24. I know exactly what you're talking about. You should e-mail her though because she's probably just as excited as you are.

  25. Hee hee! I think we are all in that pool.

  26. I totally know how you feel. I'm in the process of making a new friend too - and I feel like we're both trying to figure out where we are in our relationship.

  27. That's awesome. It's so hard to find good friends.

  28. I love when this happens. I think a lot of the time the other mom feels the same way - I say just go ahead and e-mail her right away. Women don't *often* play mind games like men do, so if she GAVE you the address, she wants to hear from you. She will likely be completely excited if you contact her right away. And you obviously have things in common . . . and that is important. I have a lot of friends with kids, but not very many with whom I have a lot in common.

    Good luck. Be sure to kiss and tell :-)

  29. This is so cute! It's so fun to meet a new potential friend!! Email away - she's probably just as psyched as you are!!!

    Can't wait to hear the update on the next date!


  30. At least there were no cheesy pickup lines involved! Have fun -- I hope it works out.

  31. You have to see, I LOVE YOU MAN! I promise, you'll love it, ok maybe not love it, but be very entertained and pleasantly surprised.

  32. This topic hits way too close to home as it's something I have to deal with every time we move... so every 2-3 years - and then every year when our friends leave us and move away...

    New friends are exciting - can't wait to hear about your first "date"!

  33. Ok I was cracking up reading this too funny, no can ou find me a mommy friend here the DC hood?


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