WTF is up with AIG handing out 185 million dollars worth of bonuses?!? Seriously...W.T.F!?! This is a company that posted 61 billion (yes, I said billion) dollars worth of loses in the last quarter! I don't care about "contractually obligated". I don't want to hear about it....
Barney Frank said "These people may have a right to their bonuses; they don't have a right to their jobs forever" I must amend that ('cause that is bullsh*t). These people don't have the right to their bonuses. These are the people that ran this company into the ground, and got very rich doing it. At what point does America reevaluate the way it does business? Had the government not used taxpayer money to bail them out. This company would have gone under, and these derivatives traders bonuses, and jobs would be in the wind.
Now then, AIG says "that if it does not pay, it risks lawsuits by disgruntled employees and risks losing workers trying to clean up the company's financial mess" To that I say...let them sue! I just don't get why AIG is just so dad gum happy to hand over the checks.
Bite me, you can't have your millions and millions of dollars. I hope Obama takes a "cold dead hands" approach to this. Make 'em sue, make 'em work, make it hard.
That is all:)
Well said. I just don't understand how if you don't have money, you can find money to give out bonuses. I thought I heard that the bailout money couldn't be used for bonuses. But what do I know, I am not one of those folks who makes millions and gets bonuses on top of that.
ReplyDeleteHallelujah girl. Jon Stewart should hire you.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more. Infuriating.
ReplyDeleteI bet Obama blew a gasket when he heard this. He sounded p.o.'ed on the news this morning. I do not understand the financial system in the country at all, how good, hard-working people can lose their jobs, and big fat-cat jerks can walk away from a failed company with millions of dollars.
ReplyDeleteOh, I didn't mean to insult your kitty.
Is truly PO'ed that they would even THINK of using the bailout money for bonuses (AGAIN). That's like me loaning someone money to buy groceries to feed their kids and they use it for something frivolous instead... I would be so mad, and they wouldn't get any more money from me..
ReplyDeleteAnd, how great is it to have a President that calls bullsh*t on this stuff? I don't remember anyone, from either party, ever publicly saying such a strong statement. It's kind of . . . refreshing.
Bite me indeed! Auto workers and airline pilots etc... have to re-negiotate their contracts and take pay cuts and lose bonuses because of POOR PERFORMANCE BY THE COMPANY.
ReplyDeleteThe AIG dillholes should be NO DIFFERENT. Lawsuits my ass. If these bonuses weren't tied to company performance that's INSANE. If they were, how can anyone be getting one????
I won't say anything about AIG because you said it all. And well, I might add.
ReplyDeleteI will say, cute cat. He has the whole fat lazy feline thing figured out.
your cat pictures crack me up!
ReplyDeleteAmen Sista, amen!
ReplyDeleteYes lady...yes to everyone else's comments. Amen and amen. It all sickens me. I wish we would have left them flappin' in the wind 'cause these bailouts are really starting to bug.
ReplyDeleteLoving the pix of your cat!
ReplyDeleteThe whole AIG thing makes my head want to explode.
I'm really having a tough time with these execs getting multi million dollar bonuses - and still asking for handouts.
ReplyDeleteStill can't look at my ML acct... or my poor husband's 401k - which we're now calling a 199k with all the loses!
Unbelievable. Truly. I find it hard to read the news when this is what is making headlines. It makes me sick. I'm thankful for the cat photo :-)
ReplyDeleteI can't even stand to hear about the bailouts or the companies involved. It just pisses me off. Kinda like kitty looks in the photo. She looks a little like our kitty.