A Pinch of Politics...

OK, first off...sorry Mom for not posting every day during the Holiday. Does this happen to you? My Mother gets a bit huffy if I don't post every day...Sorry Mom:)

Second, I need to touch on the Governor scandal just a pinch. A few of you know why I haven't blogged about this at all...but I gotta. I just GOTTA say something here. How is it that Patrick Fitzgerald has bent over backwards to make sure we know that Jessie Jr. did nothing wrong...and Rahm Emanuel did nothing wrong...and Valerie Jarrett did nothing wrong...President elect Barack Obama did nothing wrong...but Governor Rod...wrong!?! To quote my Husband "One man playing with himself does not make a sex crime." This is just my observation here, but something ain't adding up:P I know this is just one piece of the puzzle, but it seems to me that they might have some trouble convicting the Gov. on selling the Senate seat...I'm just saying.

Third, I am so loving that G. Rod made a Senate seat appointment:D I LOVE IT! Illinois democrats so had their chance to take away his power to appoint, and they couldn't get it together to do it. Now, they have an acceptable appointment from the tainted Gov. If they reject it and push for a special election, not only do they burn 30 million dollars of tax payer money (from a state that is already running at a 5 billion dollar deficit) they also, run the risk of losing the seat to a Republican. Good Lord people...you couldn't write this story any better! Fun to watch...fun to watch (shaking my head and chuckling)...

What's your Governor been up to?;P

Oh, on a completely unrelated note...I bought a really tight pair of jeans over the weekend (half off sale at Lucky) A girl's gotta have tight jeans in her arsenal, right? I am freaking out about them! Can I do tight jeans? I'm not sure if I can post a pic...they are tight!


  1. My governor is your governor and I agree that there has to be a whole lot more going on. Picking Burris was a minor coup, but I can't believe that he wants it! Who would? As for the special election, all they have to do is run it along with the municipal elections in February and April, and it shouldn't cost $30 million (who comes up with these numbers anyway?).

    Should be a fun January. :)

  2. What other chance does Roland Burris have? He wasn't a front runner for the seat anyway. This puts him back on the map, and maybe he gets a Senate seat out of it...I get why he's in the game.

  3. I like our governor, first Democrat in a looooong time in Colorado. Doesn't mean he isn't up to no good...

  4. Our Governator (Schazenagger) can't even get a budget passed. I sum it up here: http://www.conservativeearnest.com/2008/12/theyll-only-negotiate-if-they-can-raise.html

  5. So your governor trumps my governor but mine is pretty bad these days. My governor wants to put GPS units in EVERY car in my state and charge us a mileage tax .. because get this.. we aren't driving as much and the gas tax isn't making him enough money apparently!!! We did what he wanted by not polluting the environment so now he wants to charge us! DOH!

  6. I am from New Orleans. And Louisiana politics? Yeah, as bad as it gets. That said, my husb is from Chicago, which Illinois politics? Yeah, he really needs to not be so critical of my roots. Uh-huh.

    Now onto the more important topic at hand. YOU SO NEED TO POST A PIC OF THE JEANS. Seriously.

  7. Our governor is conducting business as usual. Which is fine. Doing a pretty good job.

    Our Senate seat however is an absolute mess and it's only getting worse. It will end in the courts and it will be a train wreck. Sigh.

  8. Personally I love the pick of Burris. He is an honorable guy, I am sure he wants the seat...accepting it only proves he wants it. No one would be crazy enough to accept Rod's nomination unless he was squeaky clean, wanted the position and thought he could get the votes in the senate.
    As for the special election, I thought the Emanuel seat was only a local Chicago area election (District 5) and not a state wide.
    Burris would also probably not run in 2010, and then the voters can get their choice.

  9. If I remember correctly you are pretty thin and I think you could do tight jeans! And the IL politics I stay far away from it makes me so sick to watch.

  10. Up to My Ears in Minis-The special election was discussed (initially by Dick Durbin) to take away the appointment power of the Gov. for the Senate seat. THAT is the special election that is estimated at 30 million bucks.
    The Dems. immediately following the scandal chanted for a special election. Then they shelved the idea when someone pointed out that even thought Illinois is a typically Democratic state, folks might just be so fed up with the Dems. that a Republican might win the seat.
    Yes, Rahms seat will be decided by an election in our district...that is not a state wide election.

  11. Post a photo of yourself in those jeans, dammit. You're freakin hawt, so what the hell?

    At least Illinois politics are never boring. You've got that going for you!

  12. Okay...no comment on the politics, it's just all twisted to me! As for the jeans...YOU of ALL people can flaunt some tight jeans...GO FOR IT!!!

  13. Okay so I have on a really TIGHT pair of jeans right now... but I didn't buy them that way! LOL! I'm wearing em cause I have to... YOU? You're a runner. I'm sure you'll look great!

    I don't really have any comment on the Gov. I had a politic overload with the election and I haven't watched much since!

  14. I love a juicy political story. We've been in withdrawal since the election.

  15. I digg my govie! I love the way your husband thinks what a great quote! I agree that something is screwy I guess only time will tell.

  16. Well, now that we've gotten rid of our closeted but then not governor who gave jobs to his lover, I like our guy just fine.

  17. I love your husband's quote, too funny. Yes there definitely is some funny business going on. Very curious to see what comes up to the surface.

  18. If anyone can rock a pair of tight jeans, it would have to be your marathon running booty. lol! I have a feeling that all this Blago biz may magically disappear so that no one else gets in trouble, kwim. It is quite fun to watch though!

  19. Our governor is a weenie and manages money like I suspect the Marx Brothers would. I bet your jeans would look just right.

  20. I LOVE our Governor, so I have no complaints.. He has been great for our state.. but it has been interesting to watch what is happening in Illinois!

    You KNOW you can rock the pants..


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