Run Report

Well, last night was tough. First off, it was brutally hot. Second, we did a 15 min warm up, followed by 6, 2 minute at 80 percent 3 minute at 50 percent, then a 15 min run back to base. I hate these! It is so hard to go all out for two minutes:P Especially when I am battling it out just to not be last. I just don't get how these people are soooo fast?
To top it off, there was a new girl in the group. Get this story...She met her husband in Hawaii, flew from Australia to the States to visit him, them married him after knowing him for two weeks! Crazy, right? Good for her for jumping in with both feet (for the record, Husband and I dated for 8 years before we got married). Oh, and yes...she was faster than me:P Don't get me wrong, I am not having a pity party for myself...I just don't get what is up with these folks? They are insanely fast!
In case you were wondering...Saturday is a 14 miler in the forest preserve. There are some hills, but nowhere near as bad as last week. How do you know I am a city cat? Whenever I run through the forest preserve my mind wanders into "isn't this where they always find the body on Law & Order and CSI?". I know...I am a nutter:) Think of me Sat morning when you are snug in your bed...I will be on the 14 mile march!
Who needs BlogHer when you can run the forest preserve;)


  1. Wow. You go!
    I wouldn't really care if I was the slowest one in the group so long as I could finish the whole 14 miles. Seriously!

  2. You are awesome! And I have a very important question, how do you pace (convince) yourself that you are doing 80% or 50%? Because my mind plays tricks on me when I run, I wonder if I could do % like that.

    My hubby and I were together forever as well before we dated. Two weeks, now that's what I call falling for someone.

    Good luck in the woods, my mind would be right there with you on that one.

  3. oops...that would be before we tied the knot! LOL!

  4. I SO think the SAME THING when I see wooded areas! It scares me.

    14 miles? You rock! Seriously, I don't even have the motivation to drive that much distance.

  5. Okay, so I'm considering following this plan to get myself up to a wee bit of running from my walking/step-aerobics legs. What do you think?

  6. Oh gosh - it was sooo hot last night. Good for you - when do you need to qualify?

  7. I'm VERY impressed. I could never run that much.

    And, that lady needs to start her own blog. Don't you think?

  8. Does the Aussie have 2 kids that she carried??? That may be why she is faster- she can devote herself to running while you have others to care for. I'm impressed at your diligence!

  9. WOW! I am so amazed by you. It doesn't matter how fast those other people are running, you're doing great just being part of this group!

  10. CC, I think that is a wonderful intro to running program!

  11. Whew! I tell myself now that I wouldn't mind being last, but I know that in the moment I would do just about anything to keep from being the last one over the line. . .so impressed by your running! You're definitely going to meet your goal! Oh, and I knew after 3 weeks that I was going to marry my husband--and we tied the know just 5 months later. But two weeks? Whirlwind!!!

  12. That is beyond impressive. I used to run but my knees were not happy so it's back to spin class.
    I am still thinking about my blog layout--I'll email you this weekend :)

  13. HOLY COW girl just when I think you are at the finishing line you surprise me. 14 mile in a blair witch forest YIKEs, I hope it don't rain on ya this Saturday....

    That girl is a little nuts if you ask me, I'm sorry to all the ladies who jump right in to marriage, but dating is better b/c even if you know he the "ONE"...I find you get so much more out of them when you are in that dating scene....

  14. It would take me longer to run 14 miles that it did for that woman to get married. For reals.


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