Check it!

Guess who is doing a little writing for Blissfully Domestic??? It's me! Go check it out...I'll wait:)


  1. Loved the article! Excellent motivation for all of moms.

  2. Awesome girl!!! I am actually going to start jogging. Any pointers?

  3. Look at you all famous! Can I have an autograph?

  4. Great job! How exciting!
    I believe in starting small too. I started by running a block walking a block. And even that was hard! ;)

  5. What a great article! I didn't know the reason you stopped running was for fertility reasons... Glad it all worked out for you - I'm taking some of your positive baby dust via cyberspace for my fertility "crap"!

    BTW - good luck on qualifying for the Boston Marathon. That's a fabulous goal!

  6. Great article. And great motivation to get my butt to the gym.

  7. Woo, that's way cool. I so need some motivation too. I would love to be able to run but alas I haven't been able to keep up with it. Mostly cause (insert lame-o excuse here) I need a really large and supportive running bra that doesn't cut odd the blood supply to my neck/shoulders. I haven't found one that fits really well and prevents me from getting hit in the eye.

    Ok that was way long and TMI - so I will say congrats!


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