Miss Peach's Birthday!

Tomorrow is Miss Peach's third Birthday! I am so floored by the fact that my little baby is three years old...She was just over five pounds when she was born. I remember bringing her home and being so afraid to hold her. I thought I was going to break her. How can she be three!?!
Six months ago, in the middle of a snow storm, one of the tires on our stroller blew out. We just happened to be by the local bike shop. I pushed the stroller in and asked if they could fix it. "No problem, we'll do it why you wait." Seriously, where do you get service like that these days? Anyway, Miss Peach looked up and saw a green kiddo bike hanging above her head. "Mommy, I want that green bike!" I said, "Maybe you can ask for that for your birthday?" I totally thought she would forget...
Not my Little Peach. She has talked about that bike ever since! Soooo, guess what is assembled and hiding in the laundry room???


  1. Oh Ms Peach will be so happy! I hope she has a wonderful birthday!

  2. oooooooooooooooo I'm feeling all giddy for miss peach and her new bike. she will be sooooooooo happy! :)

    Happy birthday to your sweet peach!

  3. Aren't you the bestest mom ever?!?! Happy birthday to your baby girl . . which she will always be!

  4. Ooh exciting! Can't wait to see her ride it!

  5. Happy Birthday Miss Peach!

    My son has gotten a new bike every friggin year since his 1st bday! It continued this year to his 1st 2 wheeler bike. The bike gifts just never seem to end for summer babies!

  6. Happy birthday, Miss Peach!

    You are a great mom for remembering that bike!

  7. hope she has a great birthdya.. nad I always think Moms should get something speciall too.. afterall it was as big a day for you as she! Celebrate!

  8. Kids these days are so smart, they just never forget anything! Glad you got it for her, there would have been a sad face if you hadn't! Happy birthday dear Miss Peach!!! xoxo Have fun riding and we want to see pictures!!

  9. Happy birthday! Wow, 3. Sooo fun.

  10. Wishing Miss Peach huge birthday wishes and hoping that she had a wonderful day riding her new bike! :)

  11. Oh happy birthday Miss Peach! Three is such a fantastic age... :)

  12. Happy birthday to your little one. (How do these kids remember such things?)

  13. I had a 5-pounder. Happy Birthday, Miss Peach!!

  14. Three?! Wow!! Hope she had a wonderful birthday!!

  15. Aww, that is so sweet! Happy belated birthday to your sweet Miss Peach!

  16. That's so awesome. Congrats on your big girl and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

    (Sorry I missed this in all the BH haze.)


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