
OK, I have never mentioned it, but The Bro is in TV. He is a big time editor...So big time, that McDonald's is sending him to the Beijing Olympics (Story for another day)!
I'm not sure if I have mentioned this, but I am a bit of a Colbert Report fan. Combine Colbert Report with access to really awesome video editing equipment (plus a rainy day), and what do you get? My submission to the Green Screen Challenge! What's the Green Screen Challenge, you ask? Stephen Colbert picks the topic (in this case...Make McCain exciting/sexy.) and provides you with the subject behind a green screen. Then you (I) go away and make something funny, and in my case AWESOME! Here it is...enjoy (and look for it on the Colbert Report, you better show it Stephen, or feel the wrath of Mommy bloggers everywhere!:)


  1. That was awesome! When does it air? ;)

  2. tee rocked it. ROCKED! I do hope he aires it. :) thanks for the giggle.

  3. LOL! That's fab... hope he airs it, I love colbert as well.

  4. Oh, the things we do when we have extra time to kill!! :)

  5. Just came across your blog,and that was hilarious! Great job, and I DVR Colbert religiously, so I hope to see it!

  6. That is hilarious! It totally deserves to be aired!

  7. I don't know that even that scene from Ghost can make McCain sexy, but it sure is funny!

  8. Frustrated b/c I cannot see the video/image you posted. But Colbert is big in our house too!

  9. LOL! I LOVE it! I really hope that airs :)

  10. OMG, that was so hilarious and disturbing at the same time.


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