Project Mc2 #SmartIsTheNewCool #StreamTeam

THIS, is a show I can get behind! Ever since my daughter started watching Project Mc² on Netflix, she is all about science!
It's all about 4 girls who use their science and tech skills to save the day as spies. My girl is already collecting their dolls. Smart girls who use their brains. What a MARVELOUS idea.
We were sent a #ProjectMc2 #STEAM challenge kit and BOTH my kiddos were all over it. Any time I can get them thinking and doing something other than being on computers over the summer is such a WIN!
All I have to say to Netflix is, "Keep 'em coming!"
Have your kids found Project Mc²? Miss Maggie wants to be just like these girls...and I am more than OK with that!

*I am a member of the Netflix StreamTeam. While I am not paid, I do receive a free Netflix membership. All experiences and opinions are my own.

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