I Like Streamin'

By now, I've chewed through every episode of The Walking Dead on Netflix. Loved. Every. Minute. Of. It!

Recently, I was asked by Netflix to join the Stream Team! Ummm...YES!
Words can not express how happy I was to have this little baby delivered to my door! SO HAPPY!

While my kiddos have immersed themselves in The Croods...I have found my new love...House of Cards.
House of Cards
This show...BRILLIANT. BRILLIANT. It's what The Good Wife, and Scandal wish it was. (And I love both of these shows!)

Before I dive into a year of streaming, and family nights, and complete devouring of House of Cards...(One of my friends who is also obsessed, has started texting me "WWFD?" that is "What would Francis do?", because Kevin Spacey is SO AWESOME!)...I wanted to share with you this little clip from my man Kevin speaking on the changing state of TV at The James MacTaggart Memorial Lecture.
Bottom line, he says that the Netflix model, "demonstrated that we have learned the lesson that the music industry didn't learn -- give people what they want, when they want it, in the form they want it in, at a reasonable price, and they'll more likely pay for it rather than steal it".

I say, go Netflix! I love House of Cards! I love having access to the shows I want, when and where I want it! I hope Netflix has more series in the works!

I am going to be blogging monthly on what my family and I are streaming, so be ready!  

Are you streaming?


  1. WWFD??!! and also WWCW = what would Claire wear? she has become my favorite character. he has very little dialogue at times, but somehow that dialogue, along with what is unsaid, speaks volumes...about who she is, what she values, their complex yet simple and oh so fascinating marriage, or is it a true partnership? She is an iceberg, cool steely sharp and treacherous, with so much under the surface that we don't yet see....OBSESSED!!!
    and netflix...i LOVE netflix. we have become one of those familys that cut the cable tv cord a couple of weeks ago. kudos to the hubs for doing this right before March madness, he has only shown mild signs of ESPN withdraw so far. there is so much content on netflix for everyone in the family that cutting cable has so far not been too bad. antenna tv (yes old school antenna circa 1976) for local news - which i pretty much only watch for the weather man to tell me how cold its going to be and how much snow we are in for - and local PBS for the kids, Wild Kratts and Curious George.
    love that with Netflix i can watch what i want when i want to, or really when i have time.
    and then there's our other Kevin, and Joe Carroll and Emma, they are on local Fox and if i miss that due to putting kids to bed, well there's Hulu Plus for that.

    1. Wow, good on you for "cutting the chord"! "What would Claire wear" is actually a show I would watch!

  2. House of Cards is one of the best series I have seen when it comes to intrigue and character development. Especially like the side comments by Frances that give you more insight into his plotting and opinions. Wish I could see in side Claire's head.
    Thank you Netflix for bringing forth a series that we can watch at our convenience. I am not a binger but more of a grasshopper ... do other things comes in for an hour to rest and catch the next in the sequence. Took me all of a week, but I am ready for the next season.
    Love Kevin Spacey, I saw him interviewed by Charley Rose (PBS) and that is where I learned about the series on Netflix. Looking for what else Netflix has on line now.

    1. I would LOVE to see inside Claire's head. She fascinates me!

  3. Kudos to NetFlix for bring House of Cards to America. Hope that sometime we can also see the original version of House of Cards that was on Masterpiece Theatre. WHAT ABOUT IT?? NETFLIX???
    I wonder if any even knew there was another version.
    That version is based on a Michael Dobbs' book but of course adapted for Masterpiece. I am going to quote from this site: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/masterpiece/archive/122/122.html
    Francis Urquhart is the Tories' Chief Whip who oozes charm, sincerity and charisma while ruthlessly destroying by blackmail and deceit anyone who stands between him and his goal of taking up residence at No. 10 Downing Street. Aiding him is his quest are his Lady Macbeth-type wife and a naive young political correspondent, Maggie Storin, who falls under the spell of Urquhart's power until their relationship takes a bizarre turn.
    It would be interesting to compare these two series.

    1. I would totally check out the Masterpiece original! I saw Kevin Spacey talk about it on the Colbert Report. Very interesting!

  4. I love using netflix because of it I have been able to watch shows that aren't on any more and see what I have missed. For example I have watched the entire series of Charmed and one tree hill. I have been catching up on supernatural as well. That and movies! I love that I can watch movies that I don't have. An I can do this on my phone. So it's completely comfortable.


  5. Yep! We actually cut our cable down to a $39 monthly package that offers high speed internet and pretty much only local channels. Love, love Netflix! Orange Is The New Black is my latest addiction.


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