Big back pack

I am SO amused by these little people with their BIG backpacks:) Check out The Little Man trying to stand up on his first day of school...
Poor Little Man just kept falling over:( SO cute!!!
Finally took Daddy and Miss Peach to hold him up:P

*I know the pictures stink...I'm no good with moving targets:/ Luckily Smokey never moves;)


  1. Lol! And he looks like he skipped joyously around the room as long as he was upright! Very cute!

  2. bwahaha! That's funny! Looks like he's getting lots of sympathy from his sister too.

  3. Aw, so cute. At least you'll get your money's worth buying a big back pack.
    My 8 year old has been using the same backpack since he started preschool, 5 years ago!
    yay to lands end!

  4. I think that is so cute how he keeps falling over. Such a little guy.

  5. Errr, what is he putting in the backpack? Maybe the wee man should leave a truck or two at home?


  6. The amount of books kids have for school these days is insane! I was sure all three of mine would grow up with severe backpack-full-of-text-books induced curvature of the spine.

  7. LOL Oh that is so so cute. (and it seems like just yesterday that it was my little peanut that couldn't carry her own backpack, now she is grade 4!~)

  8. I was just talking to someone about this... all the gigantic backpacks and tiny children.

  9. We ended up buying preschool sized backpacks from LL Bean. The girls have used them for five years now. I see a lot of kids with the giant backpacks and it always makes me smile.


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