Kindle Book Cover

I kinda had a crappy week:P First, a friend of mine had her hosting account hacked. Once we sorted her out, my hosting account got hacked with the very same Malware:/

As you know, this little blog is happily hosted on Blogger. (Thank goodness, 'cause I'd lose my mind of this blog was hacked) Unfortunately, my design blog and my Word Press testing site were completely taken out by the hack (my understanding is this has been HUGE problem for many WP blogs). The folks at Go Daddy, so far have been very helpful, and they are in the process of sorting out my sad Word Press sites, keep your fingers crossed:(

On the upside, it has left me with some time to catch up on illustration projects I had on my desk.

I had no idea that you could load a book cover to Kindle. Apparently, you can. When Sibylla contacted me to do her novel's Kindle book cover, I was kinda psyched.

Check out what I did for her Bridget Jones'esque story...Can I just say I love illustration projects...No risk of hacking;)


  1. Bummer about the hacking. Hope it gets sorted out soon. (And, boy, I wish my butt looked like that.)

  2. One more reason to be happy I'm still a Blogger girl myself. I hope you can get it all sorted out soon. What is wrong with people that they have to do nasty stuff like that?

    Love the cover!!

  3. Congrats!

    Hackers suck. The end.

  4. Awesome cover. Can you make me look like that?

  5. Awesome! Makes me want to write a book (or at least a book title) so you can illustrate for me!!

    Sorry about the hacking. ;(.


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