#19 Fancy!

Daily Chuck...

I know some of you think...

a) I'm nuts for doing this...
b) Poor Smokey is being tortured with this...

Truth be told, I think Smokey is starting to enjoy the spotlight. He's currently sleeping on my Photoshop for Digital Photographers book while I'm blogging this.

The ritual is...I see The Daily Chuck, and initially I usually think..."OMG, how am I going to get Smokes to do this:/"

Then, I figure out what props I'm going to use.

Usually, the way the shoot goes down is...I set up my lights, my camera, and get everything ready. (Typically, Smokey is snoozing on the couch.)

At the very. last. minute... I pick up Smokey and scratch him under his chin until he starts purring. While he's good and spoiled and half asleep/half awake, I put the prop on, set him on the floor, and take about 50 shots before he even knows what happened. (Yeah, I'm sneaky like that.)

About the time I can see the "I think I'm p*ssed at you." look in his eye, we're done, and he gets a little bit of low-fat tuna in water:P

I really do feel like I'm slowly learning to take better pictures...I'm thinking as long as Dooce doesn't go throwing Chuck in the tub...we're good;)


  1. hahahahahahaha!! I HEART YOU SMOKEY!! You surly, sullen fashionista!

  2. I seriously cant stop laughing at poor Smokey... thats like cat TORTURE. borderline abuse, as far as cats are concerned. hahahahaha... and I shared on my fb JUST for my cat loving friends to laugh at...

  3. Awesome. Truly awesome. I can't wait to break out the tutus tomorrow.

  4. Yup, he's definitely loving the attention.

  5. Dooce has to be cranking up the contrast in Photoshop. That skirt has some super saturated colors!

    BTW, I totally have a crappy camera phone picture of my old kitty in a full on tutu and body suit!

  6. Poor kitty....I think Mr. Smokey dreams of bad things to do to your camera in his sleep.

  7. I think you just gave Dooce an incentive.

  8. I love this one! It would make a great note card.

  9. He's thinking "where's my damn cat treat?"

  10. I think you've just thrown down the gauntlet to Dooce.

    I think Megryansmom has a great idea! Note cards would be BRILLIANT!

  11. I picked that tutu up in CO just so smokey could wear it on his head. Money well spent...haha :-P

  12. Is Dooce reading? Because if I were Dooce, I might be about to put my dog in the bathtub, just for kicks.

    There is nothing worse than a wet cat.

  13. I think he's doing a picture-perfect plié ... And are his toes in second position?? =>

  14. I love this picture. I think you should frame it and hang it over his bed. It's that awesome.


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