Scoot Over

I swear, it all started with one...then another, then another...It's not clear to me how this can be comfortable, but as long as she's sleeping through the night...who am I to complain? I say, toss another stuffed animal on the pile!


  1. This is too cute. My kids STILL sleep with tons of stuff in their beds.

  2. Sleep is so much sweeter when you're surrounded by friends.

  3. So precious! I remember sleeping with lots of animals like this as a kid too!

  4. The more the merrier! My daughter loves to be surrounded by stuffed animals when she is sleeping too! VERy CUTE!

  5. So obviously, your daughter is not the minimalist you are. Very cute!

  6. That ostrich with the blue beak looks pretty darn comfy!

    Also glad to know my kiddo's not the only who sleeps with wardrobe changes. You never know when, say, around 3 a.m., you're gonna want your tutu.

  7. That looks like the top bunk of my boys' bunk bed. Which is supposed to be where one of them sleeps, but it hasn't turned out that way. Yet.

  8. Too cute! My daughter's bed would look like that, but unfortunately for her, she looses a stuffy every time she gets out of bed at night. Usually, she's down to just one by the time she gives up!

  9. When I was 8, my parents took my sister and me on a cross-country train trip to visit our grandparents. Space was limited, so they told us we could each only pack 1 stuffed animal. To compensate, our grandma had new ones waiting for us at her house. My sister snuck in an extra one or two. I somehow fit 8 into my little Snoopy suitcase (including my two dolls, which were not small). But they couldn't be mad because I also got all the clothes in I needed. And it was kinda their fault since they let me pack for myself.

    So Miss Peach is a girl after my own heart. There is no such thing as too many stuffed animals!

  10. Like the scene from ET.. Very cute

  11. I would fill the entire room with stuffed animals, wall to wall, if it means sleeping through the night.

  12. This looks like N's crib -- we joke that we're not sure how she'll contain them all when she finally moves to a big girl bed!

  13. The arm up in the air is making me smile just as much as all the little friends in there with her!

  14. You should see Liam's crib - there's barely room for him in there. The worst part is he's got to make sure everyone is ready and where they belong before he'll lay down for the night.

    Too cute.

  15. I didn't notice it last night, but I think Stitch buried in there is where you want to look for an explanation. He's nothing but a trouble maker! :-)

  16. I feel like Stitch is staring at me. It's making me nervous. A little bit nervous. Is he always that protective of Peach?

  17. LOL! That's what my bed looked like when I was a little girl! I LOVED being surrounded! Now I have two dogs that sleep on the bed and that is enough! LOL!

  18. i suddenly feel a whole bunch better !!!

  19. That is so adorable!! My girls like to sleep with so many pillows that they are practically sitting up. And with ear muffs. Kids are weird.

  20. OMG! Our daughters are SO alike it's frightening. Only she does that with her stuffed animals AND an assortment of blankets.

  21. well that's wonderful. she's discovered how to make the bed softer without needing deep pocket sheets.

    my girl sleeps with about as many as yours. except. she makes a "border" out of them... and she sleeps well in the middle.


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