Pathetic Losers Unite!

I answered the phone the other day, and it was one of Husband's oldest friends. Does every Husband have the perpetual single guy friend?

The guy who dates women much younger than he should. The guy who has spent so much time focusing on himself, that the idea of committing to another person scares the sh*t out of him. The guy who has been the perpetual player so long, that he is scared to death to be alone, and doomed to it...(wow, did I just get deep?) If I had to sum him up, I'd call him a cross between Jerry Seinfeld (the character) and David Duchovney's character on Californication:\

Anyway, he asked me what the kiddos were being for Halloween, and I said..."Well, if you read my blog, you'd know that:)" To which he said..."The day I read a blog is the day I declare myself a pathetic loser:P" OK, what does that make me, since I not only write a blog, but I design blogs for bloggers?

I shake him off, because quite frankly, I could give two sh*ts what single old guy thinks. So, I tell him what the kiddos are being for Halloween, then I ask, jokingly of course..."What are you being for Halloween?" To which he says..."I think any adult who dresses up for Halloween is a pathetic loser:P"

Well hello Mr Bitterton, so glad I was home to receive your call:\

In the spirit of pathetic losers everywhere, I am going to post my Halloween costume for my grown up party...ON. MY. BLOG!We are being toy fun! Yes, the skirt is assured, I'm wearing yoga shorts underneath;)Oh, I ordered this cute little had to go with. It's ridiculous...but Sissy and I both LOVED it! Bring on the party...we girls are ready! (who's the pathetic loser:P)


  1. You are not a loser! Hello hotness. I need a picture with the full view, mmmkay!

  2. Oh yes, I think I saw that single guy...he is the one with the big L on his head... I think your costume rocks!! LOVE the Hat

  3. Totally hot. Not a pathetic loser in sight, except the one who called to talk to your husband! Surprised that he is still single.

  4. Well obviously HE'S the loser! And you're going to look great as a soldier.

  5. OMG!!! I wish I had the body to pull that off. You are anything but a pathetic loser. You are hot... H-O-T! Great costume.

  6. My husband has the perpetual single friend. Over 40. Lives in a tiny house being squeezed out by developments of mini-McMansions. Constant stream of people coming and going.

    On second thought, maybe the dude is actually a meth dealer...hmmmm...

    Oh, I kid. He's just very much the very man you describe, but I totally think he secretly blogs.

    (p.s. - Love the costume!)

  7. What a tool!

    I love the costume, the hat is the perfect touch.

  8. I am loser too then and proud of it. :)

  9. Cute! And no worries - I'm a pathetic loser on both counts, too!

  10. I guess I am a loser too! I blog, read blogs, and love to dress up for Halloween!

  11. I will never stop dressing up for Halloween. Ever. Just call me pathetic! :)

  12. Hey there hot legs! Wowza!

    And yes, every man has *that* friend. Luckily, my husband's doesn't come around too often.

  13. Your legs. Woman . . . I have no words.

    And he's just jealous of all the blog love . . . case closed.

  14. My sister would have responded to the guy, "It takes one to know one!"

    Hot costume!

  15. I am getting back up to seep on all the blogs I have missed, I must be a huge loser because I always dress up for Halloween!

  16. Yes, hubby has a friend just like that!! It's so much fun when we double date with his latest conquest and I have to make conversation with a teenager! *rolls eyes*

    Great costume!! You would LOVE all the fancy dress parties that take place in the UK all year!!

  17. Your costume is adorable!

    Your husband's friend sounds like a total downer. No wonder he's still single. Commitment phobe or lonely? You be the judge.

  18. Love it! And yes, every husband has *that* friend. Uncle Loser. Whatever.

  19. He's the loser and YOU are a hottie mchottie :-)
    You're going to be ADORABLE

    we call those spanky pants ;-)


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