Ballerina Girl

Do you know what this is? I will tell you...

It is a picture of Miss Peach in pure bliss:) Back in the haze of Blogher, I mentioned a dvd, Prima Princessa Presents Swan Lake. I am telling you, not only is Miss Peach dancing around my living room, but The Little Man is as well. Not to mention the fact that Mommy is more than a bit proud that both my children know Tchaikovsky is the composer of Swan Lake! (little smarty pants)

Well, the good folks at Prima Princessa have done it again with the equally fabulous Prima Princessa Presents The Nutcracker. I can't express how wonderful these dvd's are (think Sesame Street meets San Francisco Ballet performing Nutcracker)...I actually enjoy when the kiddos are watching it...The music is a nice change from The Backyardigans and The Wonder Pets:P

What I love most is that two stay at home moms put their heads together and came up with a winner. Stephanie and Mary Kate have been so cool as to offer a free dvd to someone in the comments. So leave me a comment and one of you will get The Nutcracker...Yay!


  1. OOOh! Oooh! Me, me! My li'l princesses would love this.

  2. Sign me up, I have some little girlie friends that would love this.

  3. Meee! Meeee! Meeee! I am willing to bribe you with tutus and such. ;-)

  4. Miss Peach is adorable in her tutu. I am glad she is enjoying the show!

    Mary Kate

  5. I am IN LOVE with that picture! In LOVE :-)
    We took Princess to see the Nutcracker last year and she fell head over heels.. She wants to see it this year, too.

  6. Please God may The Backyardigans be long forgotten by the time I get around to having a kid (so like a year or two). I watched 3 episodes once with my nephew and wanted to shoot myself from that music. But I can handle hours of Tchaikovsky! (Oh, and I have two little dancer nieces who would undoubtedly make good use of the dvd.)

  7. I made my infant daughter her first tutu, and I'm working on the tiara. (Halloween) Yet, I'm still schlepping around in yoga pants. What's wrong with this picture... Heh!

    Cute pic! I'll definitely have to check out those DVDs. It's so cool that BOTH kiddos are into it.

  8. I just had one of those lightbulb moments, thanks to this post :-) I used to love watching Swan Lake, so I can't believe I never thought to find it for the kid.

    Love the tutu! They;re so cute when they're short like that.

  9. We went on a field trip to see the Nut Cracker when I was in the 4th grade. I loved it!! I think it is great for children to be exposed to some kind of culture other than pop culture!

  10. Finally! Children's videos that don't drive parents insane. I'll bet Micah would love them. The boy is so into dance.

  11. I've been wanting to get this for my girls! I think they'd love it.

  12. I know a little girl who would be SO IN LOVE with this...pretty please??

  13. Miss Peach looks so cute with that little tutu sticking up.

  14. AGAIN I am so bummed that I can't find the copy that I snagged with you! Well, I've got a future ballerina, too. So it'd be going to a good home, should it come my way. :)

  15. I have both DVDs and my daughter just loves them! I adore watching her learn ballet, and even doing it outside. "Mommy watch me dance!" So cute! Even my little toddler son dances with it.

  16. My little Bear would love this. Boys can enter right? He loves pink.

  17. that is a sweet little nephew used to love the ballet - i took him to see the nutcracker when he was 3 and he was signed up for class within a week...of course, now, at 19, he wouldn't be caught dead in tights, but Aunt SSP remembers...and reminds him from time to time

  18. Stella loves that DVD too!! In fact her bunny from Build-A-Bear, Phebe, is now in a ballerina outfit, too :-)

  19. So cute. My N. isn't quite a dancer yet, though she has JUST learned about the Disney princesses, thanks to too many visits to the doctor and associated stickers. So she'd probably LOVE this.

  20. oh my god. i want it. more than anyone else. I'm serious.

  21. Oh my heart! This is why I adore little girls! So sweet :)

  22. I have the first Prima Princessa DVD, and it's wonderful. I'd love to give this one to my daughter for Christmas!

  23. We need to find those dvds asap! Sounds lovely, we get stuck watching the traditional nutcracker all the time I need a change.


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