Oh, My Blair Witchian Nightmare

Dad piled us kiddos into the car and hauled our excited little munchkin minds to see the scariest movie ever...Halloween:O I swear to you right here and now, I watched that entire show through my sweater, which was pulled up over my eyes. SO. SCARED!

Toss in a couple more Halloween's, a few Friday the 13th's, a Nightmare on Elm Street...add a dash of Texas Chainsaw Massacre and blend with just a pinch of Blair Witch Project...and you get a full fledged fear of the dark:O Yes my friends, I am just a wee bit scared of the dark.

Husband likes to get out of The Big City every once in a while. We stay at a house on the beach in Michigan. There are about 40 steep, narrow, concrete stairs through the woods to the beach. During the day...it's just a long walk to the beach...At night, it's my Blair Witchian Nightmare!

It took me three nights to work up the nerve to walk to the bottom of the stairs...but I did it...Doesn't everyone make a horror movie on vacation?;)


  1. I'm so proud of you!!! This was awesome, you make me laugh ;-)

    I cannot get over how DARK it is. No stars? No moon, nothing! WOAH.

    Creepy Boathouse.... Cyn... love you girlie. Your hubby is a brat!!!!!!! ;-)

  2. I know! Husband is a total BRAT!!!

  3. That is hilarious! I don't know what, exactly, but you deserve some kind of nomination.

  4. I know a good divorce lawyer... I am terrified of the dark. I would have never done it..good for you


  5. I would have soiled myself and ended up fetal till morning. O-M-G way to go girl! Your hubby's lucky you didn't freak out and beat the crap out of him. My hubby thinks I'm nuts 'cause if I watch a scary movie or something disturbing he wakes up to fort knox, doors locked, chairs infront of them, etc. lol

  6. OMG! I can't see the video right now from work, but I'll have to check it out later... can I just say how I can't handle scary movies anymore? It was easier to watch those types of movies before I had kids, but now, forget it! I am petrified! I totally believed the Blair Witch Project was true, at first. OMG. Was that not INSANELY scary? And The Ring? And The Grudge? EEK!!!

  7. OK I am not scared of the dark.. but THAT dark OMG! I am proud of you that you tried to overcome your fear. Thanks to your smartass hubby you will probably NEVER go out again without an armed guard huh.

    Thanks for giving us a laugh at your expense.. I enjoyed it immensely. (cause it was you and not me)

  8. SHIT!!!! I was watching that through my fingers and SCREAMED when your husband did that! JACKASS!! Slap him for me.

    I did not appreciate the scary music, even though I was cracking up over here.

    Whew... i think that now I need a glass of wine, too.

    Hope the trip's been fun. Hope dear hubby doesn't get pushed into the lake....

  9. I made it to 1:10 and had to turn it off. I couldn't watch anymore :(
    Yes, I'm a chickenshit. That's okay. I totally would have downed the BOTTLE of wine, and taken the camera along so that my murder would have been recorded.
    I'm assuming, that since you posted this, you survived. Good. That means I don't have to finish watching :)

  10. Niiiice!!! Michigan...did you pick that on purpose...giggle.. Scary, no thanks!!

  11. That was hilarious! I was thinking as I was watching.. I wonder if someone's going to jump out at her at the bottom! Haha. Love the music too.

  12. I can't watch 'em either...set Zip & tizzy and me up with a romantic comedy :)))

  13. I hate to tell you this, but I laughed out loud that whole time. I am not scared of the dark. Sorry (only a little bit) that I found soooo much humor in that video. Even though I found the ending to be particularly funny, I would have KILLED him. It would have been justifiable. Thanks for the serious laugh. btw, that music is really creepy.

  14. Oh my god, THAT was great.

    (and very very scary, of course)

  15. We love scaring each other at my house hiding in closets or under beds. Not usually in the dark?? This takes the game to another level.

  16. Scary! I couldn't do it. You are a brave woman.

  17. That was so funny! And that is also a helluva long flight of stairs! Well done, and smack your hubby on the back of the head from me!

  18. ...And she's never heard from again.

    That was too funny. Especially once the music kicked in. And the Friday the 13th sound effects. Very awesome.

  19. I think your husband rocks! LOL My husband won't scare me on purpose because he thinks it is mean. I love it!

  20. Hehehehe, I still think Blair Witch is pretty scary...

  21. When I got home today from Bloggy Boot Camp Philly I knew I had to finally watch this video since we couldn't get it to work on the iPhone.

    I think I may have just peed myself a little from laughing so hard.


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