To Each His Own

Scene: (in the car with Husband, Mother In Law, kiddos in car seats sleeping, and I)

MIL: (looking at The New York Times Magazine) "Did you see this awful house some architect designed? What is that look where there is nowhere to sit, and nothing on the walls, and no books on the bookshelves...What's that awful design called?"*

Me: "Home:)"

*The word she was actually looking for was "Minimalism". I studied it in design school the second time around....LOVE it. I strive for it in our town home.

My Mother In Law is the type of woman where no wall is left uncovered, and books/magazines/newspapers are never thrown out. (So nothing wrong with that...I just have an irrational fear of stuff) It is a TON of work when the kiddos are there, so many chatzkies for them to break:O I guess you'd say we are opposites;)


  1. I would also call that style "childless"...

    My parents are the same as your MIL-- no space left uncluttered. It stresses me out to be in their home. I wonder how I managed to grow up there :-)

  2. My parents brought us up in the "minimalism" way I guess. They preferred the house with no furniture and nothing around so we wouldn't get into trouble. I'm very much the same way but my brother seems to have gone the same way your MIL is.

  3. I actually get really cranky when my house is cluttered. Once I clean out the space, I feel so much better. I like clean, clear spaces too.

  4. Your house must look so nice and uncluttered! Right now my family room looks like a daycare centre. And my bookcases are filled with books. But I did do a total clean sweep and organized the house yesterday. Felt great!

  5. Ha! My parents' house is like that - every inch covered in something. My mom is crazy about having a clean house, so it's not that it's dirty. But it's just...full...of stuff...!

  6. Less is definitely more! It just looks so much cleaner and uncomplicated.

  7. haha... I was going to say "broke"! :)

    I guess its a grandparent thing to have lots of "stuff" around. My in-laws do it too, but thankfully after 6 grandchildren have learned to put things away.

  8. I need to cultivate me some minimalism! I hate knick-knacks, other than a few well placed vases or something, but we are just overloaded with clutter that has no "place."

    I'm ready to minimize.

  9. Me and My Mil are the same. She's garage sale/cluttered and I'm, well, not...

  10. I am with you! I have furniture and we do love to have books...lots of books! But I don't believe in knick-knacks in my house and the walls have some things, but few and very well aligned. I hate clutter.

    My studio is different...but that's a whole other story! LOL!

  11. I REALLY wish I could do minimalism. You'd be AFRAID VERY AFRAID if you stepped into my living room right now. Clut-ter!

  12. I hate stuff. I hate junk. I am a minimalist. Which is very very hard to do when you have kids!

  13. I know some women just like your MIL!

  14. We are minimalists as well.

    Well, we're working on it anyway.


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