Banana Cat

Sometimes I know I am wound too tight. Sans kiddos, I was a complete neat freak. You and I both know that having little ones does not bode well with obsessive cleaning syndrome.

Today, I was in the dining room on my computer, kiddos came in and were all over me. I thought, I can either lose it and yell, or I can close the Mac and take'em outside...

Outside it is...Now, I don't know about your weekend, but ours was filled with sleety rain/heavy snow:P This afternoon our patio was a big slushy mess. I sucked it up and let the kiddos jump in the puddles...
and play in the muck...and you know what, they had a blast!So, this reformed neat freak is learning how to let go...Yay me!Then I went inside and put a banana on the cats head...why wouldn't I;)


  1. I give you major props for that. It took me waaaaay longer in my parenting career to learn to let go like that.

  2. It's fun to let it go every once in a while. Yeah for splish, splash!!

  3. Yes, it's VERY hard to walk away from a Mac! Glad you and the kids had fun.

  4. I love love love how you always randomly put something on the cat!! My kids are going crazy too! Yay for kids getting dirty and having fun!

  5. I'm learning how to let go of my obsessive compulsive expectations of how clean and neat our home should be and try to relax a little. It's tough, though. Cute pictures!

  6. I, too, have come very far in the realm of letting go. I still remember the days when I vacuumed and mopped at least daily. Now it's more like a monthly activity.

    At least we're having fun!

  7. Another obsessive compulsive cleaner here :-)

    Yep, it's easier to just give in some days than deal with the whining and screaming. Mud can be cleaned up, but a kid's meltdown stays messy for hours!!!

    That being said, the muddy feet from three children and a lunatic dog are becoming a bit much for me.

    Talented cat, you could take that show on the road!

  8. If you can only pick one it is best to pick sanity over cleanliness. That is what I chose too. Long ago. Why fight it.

    Great pictures. Love those little crocks.

  9. The cat kills me! Nothing bothers her!!

  10. YAY for a reformed Neat Freak!! I love puddle days. I just hate the freezing weather....

  11. Clearly, the mud and puddles and muck has addled your thinking. That's the only rational explanation for the banana on the cat.

    You'd be amazed at how much I've learned to let go with four kids... In a good way, of course!

  12. Yay for mud! You're such a good mommy!

    Your poor cat...

  13. You did the right thing. Sometimes, the easiest thing to do is just let them get dirty.

  14. I figure they invented shout, oxiclean, and soap for a reason!


  15. Thanks for this post. It's a good reminder for me too. I think I'll remember this tomorrow after my son gets home from school and forget about things that need to get done and take him to the park.

  16. poor cat!

    i let my kids play in the mud today too. they had a blast and it really did make our day go better. why won't i remember that the next time they want to play in the mud?

  17. I also tend to be on the neat side. I've wondered how I will do with that when I have kids. I guess you just learn to adapt.

    And...I like doing weird things to my dog too, like throwing towels on him like they're blankets. He just looks at me like I'm nuts!


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