OK, now it's bloggy opinion time. I keep hearing from folks that they are reading blogs, but that no one has time to comment. What would you think if (on a post like the one above) I closed comments? You know, if I came across this post on another blog, I'd say "cute, or love the cat, or lazy Joe" It makes me chuckle, but it's not like I am starting a dialogue on a post like this (many of my posts are a quirky look at my day). Would blog reading be easier if I had only a couple posts a week open to comments? I'm just wondering (it is quite possible that I think too much) I mean, I don't want folks to think I'm some kind of comment snob, ya know? What do you think?
Wow. Crazy coincidence. I guess I think too much as well.
ReplyDeleteI turned off comments on my post today for the very first time.
I'm not sure. It's a good question. Sometimes a post like the cat pic is the one that gets tons of comments! And something more thoughtful, I guess people have to think too much what to say in response, maybe?
ReplyDeleteI'm going to come back and read what other say.
I don't know, but I love the photo and the cat. So cute!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, and I hate to sound all speciest, but my cat looks exactly like that (except, you know, slimmer, but she's young, so give her a few years).
ReplyDeleteI closed comments one day last week, because I was feeling like I was too focused on comments. It was sort of interesting. But I figure if people don't want to respond, they won't.
So basically--I think that you should do what you want. Helpful, yes?
I'm all for abolishing comments from time to time, it packs more heat in the post, and removes any lingering sense of obligation.
ReplyDeleteI just want to dance, man! You be you, I'll be me, and let's blog because we love blogging.
I don't know, it seems like people comment on quirky, in fact I was going to comment on the cat..My SIL has a pug named Smokey Joe and they call him Smokey. My cat wouldn't have stood for that, he sleeps 22/7 but touch him and he jumps up. Cute cat.
ReplyDeleteI don't have an opinion on the comment thing, but that is a cute kitty!
ReplyDeleteI say leave it open. If people WANT to comment, great, if not, no biggie.
ReplyDeletePeople, not any of us here, of course, need to stop focusing on who is commenting, how many comments, why is that person commenting here and not on my blog, when to comment, on what to comment, did I comment on her yesterday? why didn't she comment on mine today? how can I get more comments, how do I respond to ALL these comments . . . all that commenting stuff.
Comments can be awesome, but they can also be the bane of a blogger's existence.
Comment if you have something to say. If not . . . read, enjoy and be on your merry way.
PS--I like the way you think . . . the fact THAT you think.
I agree with Laski - I would just leave it open and if the post isn't much of a commenting post, it'll just be more empty than usual. I think that if a comment just says 'that's cute' then it doesn't really warrant a response, but I still like every comment I get. Maybe it's just because my blog is still small? I don't know!
ReplyDeleteI guess comments are one way to confirm you are blogging on something that inspires comments and you are not alone. Also it is a way for others to let you know they too have a blog and hope you will visit them.
ReplyDeleteSo cute.
ReplyDeleteI've looked into turning comments off on mine before. Mostly it's just for me anyway, but I keep it open. If people want to comment, they will. But it's whatever.
ReplyDeleteThat's a cute pic though :)
Sorry, I was just being silly. I wouldn't close off comments unless you feel that you are being hurt by them in some way. I periodically struggle with my own personal views about comments when I have what I think is an interesting post and I only get one or two comments. That's when I remind myself that my blog isn't for approval from others, but for myself first and foremost and then to hopefully make contacts with others that have similar interests.
ReplyDeleteI respond to comments if they are something that will start a conversation. I have developed a lot of my bloggy relationships through follow up emails to comments on my blog. If you close them, then a post that you think may be less comment-worthy may have sparked someone's interest and you would never know.
I try to comment when I can, but because I subscribe to over 400 blogs, I just can't do it every day! LOL! I love getting comments, though, so I do try to share when I can! I never close mine and I usually get at least a few every day...even on the 'mundane' posts. I'd say keep them open and let people drop in to lift your spirits when they get a chance! It's just fun that way!
ReplyDeleteI prefer to leave them open & see what happens. I get the biggest kick out of someone commenting & just figured everyone got the same kind of joy from receiving comments.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't matter to me if it is just an 'awww how cute' comment or a conversation comment. Either way, someone took some of their valuable time to not only read what I wrote, but to let me know they read it & it moved them enough to respond.
I wouldn't close comments, people who WANT to comment, or who have something they want to say wouldn't be able to. If someone doesn't have time to comment, then they wont, so closing comments won't affect that.
ReplyDeleteI do think that picture is hilarious, though. Makes me want to go mess with our cat
You have to examine why you're blogging. I love meeting other people. To close comments would shut off the people connection. I happened by today. Had your comments been closed, you never would've known I came by and laughed like mad. We have a dog who we call lazy as he takes naps to catch up from his naps LOL. I'm having so much fun reading the blogs from bloggy carnival now that I have time to read and comment. See, good thing comments are open.
ReplyDeleteHm. . .not a bad idea to close comments if you want. If someone really, really needs to say something, they can get in on another post, I guess. I have your lazy cat's canine equivalent X 2. So funny.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, love the picture. I have lazy cat to put stuff on around here too.
ReplyDeleteSecond, I never like it when people close comments. It seems like they are saying they don't care what others feel about what they (the author) has written.
I say leave the comments open.
ReplyDeletedont' close comments! It's how I say I'm here!!
ReplyDeleteLove the pic! Wish I could be him!
I always like to leave a comment to let folks know that I was here and liked what they wrote.
ReplyDeleteHowever....I am having trouble with some of these comment boxes not letting me leave my super secret word. Anyone else having trouble with those?
Sometimes it is nice not to have to comment!! I comment on the blogs that I can relate to.
ReplyDeleteI am blog stalker from way back!
The big name blogs I may comment every once in a while.
I rarely ever comment anymore unless I really feel like I want to say something.
ReplyDeleteI would never turn off comments on my own blog. If their comment is super funny or witty it drives traffic their way. That is how I stumbled across some of my most favorite blogs ever.
Many people don't understand that about comments. Their comments are a business card to their own blog in sense, no?
I say leave them open.
ReplyDeleteI only read blogs of the folks I love the most and comment because I want. It's not with any expectation, kwim. If I'm not in the mood to comment, I know you'll still be my friend anyway :P
ReplyDeletecomments, it's so personal. I understand your opinion, but don't let the number of comments you receive or don't receive affect you. Sometimes the most random posts of mine take off via comments & my favorites get a handful.
ReplyDeleteI say keep em open, you never know what opportunity you may shut out.