Cleaning House

Please tell me who the heck invented stickers!?! I hate 'em, kiddos love 'em. Turn your back for one second...and you have this going on...Ignore it for many months...and it grows:P The sun hits it...and bakes this crap onto the window, until finally...I. CAN'T. TAKE. IT. ANY. MORE!!!I scraped the sh*t out of this window during naptime! How long do you think it will take the pixies to notice the stickers are gone???

On a completely unrelated note, don't you love my neighbors house??? (I've never seen anyone go in...I've never seen anyone come out. Perhaps Willy Wonka lives there;P)


  1. O.M.G.!! LMAO!!! I know that sucked taking them off, but I remember what a sticker FREAK I was back in the day and I did things very similar to this. I know my mom wanted to kill me!

    Trust me, they will notice. lol

  2. hahhaaaaaaa...tooo funny!
    where the heck do you live, i love the look of the houses!

  3. Our then 2 year ol RUINED a portion of our hardwood floors with STICKERS. Yes STICKERS. For freakin' cryin' out loud. I'm with you. But THAT! That is some crazy stickerage. Good luck.

  4. I actually like the before AND after pics. It looks kinda cool. But if it were MY house and MY windows, I would have scraped them off too.

    Isn't it funny how you can tolerate much more when it's not your own deal?

    I think I'll pretend I'm watching someone else's kids today.

  5. Ah! A familiar view! (The stickers, not the cool house!)

    I once, years ago, allowed a certain 2 year old child to keep a sticker collection on her closet door. I spent HOURS scraping and scrubbing that sh*t off, too, when we decided to sell our house. Down with stickers!

  6. I feel your sticky pain. My girls put them everywhere! The worst ones right now are on car window. I hate that!

    Boo Radley lives down the street from me, if it's any consolation.

  7. stickers are the work of the devil ;-)

    i'm impressed that you could get the window that clean!!

  8. Stickers are evil things in the hands of a child! Hurrah you can now see clearly again!

  9. At least you have bars to keep the neighbors from coming into your house during a drunken stupor. My walls get covered in stickers and I just tell people it's wall paper. Those things are evil.

  10. OMG. Between this post and my best friend's backseat windows in her car, I do NOT look forward to the day mine figures out and starts to love stickers.

  11. Stickers are almost as insidious as glitter. *shudder*

  12. Oh I do love stickers... especially when they make their way onto clothing and in pockets and on dining room tables.

  13. Your window, my coffee table! It's insane!

    My MIL asked me why I didn't just give him a piece of paper for his stickers... Uh, yeah, like I didn't think of that and he stuck them everywhere else instead... haha!

    By the way, he hasn't even noticed they've all disappeared. Hopefully yours won't either.

  14. Oh. My. Goodness.

    You make a good case for my child to never own stickers.

    And yes, that house is fabulous. Willy Wonka huh? Do they share the chocolate?

  15. I freaked out over one sticker stuck to Alexis' craft table. You are so much more sticker tolerant than me!

  16. I was pissed at the doctors office for giving my kid's a role of stickers,,, a dang ROLE.. girl!! So you can imagine my mini van window... LAWD in Mississippi took me forever to get that crap off of them...

    Loving their House LOL

  17. oh my little ones stick those little suckers on my car windows! not a happy momma when I find those! Is the hosue a brownstone (my fav houses ever)

  18. Oh my. That's tough. Mine really doesn't like them - and I'm not complaining. Good job cleaning it off.

  19. I should hire you to clean my car windows. Oh yes, I said "car windows." What is it with kids and stickers??

  20. So funny! I know they are a b*tch to get off though. And yes, nice house!

  21. Does this mean that we will be in your doghouse if we send more stickers?

  22. I hate to tell you this but my first grader went on a Post It note rampage earlier this year and wrote about 9.2 million math problems on them and stuck them ALL OVER our sliding glass doors. Little by little I removed them. They drove me nuts. Then they left bits of adhesive all over the glass. @#@$%!


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