All Things in Moderation

I made the mistake of letting the kiddos watch "a little" Noggin before we went out today. BIG mistake!

(cut to) Me dressing two comatose children, completely fixated on the TV. Me, carrying one screaming Little Man down the stairs and loading him (kicking and screaming) into the stroller.

(cut to) Miss Peach with arms (literally) wrapped around the TV, as I drag her away from it while she is screaming "NOOOOO!" as I load her into the stroller.

Me: "Miss Peach, it's OK to watch a little TV. We also have to do other things. You can't JUST watch TV."

Miss Peach: (screaming at the top of her lungs from the back of the stroller) "OF COURSE I CAN!"

Holy, I have a TV watching problem in this house, Batman!


  1. Oh no. Sounds like a scene from my house. You just wait until those kids ride a bus to school and they are all like, "Mom. What's Bakugan. And Pokemon. And Ben 10 and why don't we watch it."

    We have problems too. Especially since all those shows are dvr-able.

  2. Aww, you love Moose A. Moose and his damn candy canes just as much as me. :)

  3. I see nothing wrong with Noggin. It makes a great babysitter.

    If only Noggin would wipe butts and get drinks, I'd be golden.

  4. Imagine Miss Peach's reaction today, but she's now age 42, and her husband has cancelled the satellite TV subscription and is installing bunny ears to the freaking giant ass plasma TV. Welcome to my world.

    But I must say, after the initial OH MY GOD WE GET FIVE CHANNELS shock wore off? My nine year old? Kind of like a whole new person with the lack of Disney Channel and Nikelodeon in her life. Seriously.

  5. Now there's a drawing for you to do!

  6. We don't watch much t.v. in this house...were more like movie maniacs! We don't have we're not from the 1800's...honestly, but come February we may be getting it. I'm kinda scared about what may become of it all...gotta lock out some channels! Then again, we could always cancel!!!

  7. You are so not alone on the tv scene. If I let my kids watch one show they all of a sudden become bored afterwards and can't find anything to do to entertain themselves. Craziness I tell ya!

  8. This is why I had a tv installed in my double stroller.

    I agree. You gave them a little and then they are INSANE.

  9. I let my kid watch tv today because it was a "sick" day. Really hoping he doesn't ask for it tomorrow (of course he will).

  10. You would think with TWO parents home all day that we won't need tv-as-babysitter, but what's the FIRST thing my hubby does in the morning... Turn on the TV for our son.

    At least it's educational, right????

  11. Yep-my Lil Princess is the exact same way!!
    Shh-I didnt say that though.

  12. oh no!! I'm sorry honey.
    But don't worry, you're not alone ;-) There are other parents whose kids need a 12 step program for nogginholics too.

  13. Gosh it's like they are sucked into the tube, Lawd last night had to treatin them with Santa Claus if they didn't stop watching t.v. and get in the bathtube..HA HA!!!

  14. Do we live in the same house? Because mine? Totally addicted to Noggin. Backyardigans, Lazy Town, you name it. Goodness!

  15. That is precisely why I don't even turn the damn thing on anymore. I'm so tired of TV battles I could scream!

    Too bad my husband has figured out how to turn the damn thing himself.

  16. laughing. today, I want to agree with Miss Peach and just watch me some tv. Of course I can!

  17. i am SO glad i am past the noggin stage.

    oh wait. i have to drag roo-girl kicking and screaming away from "america's top model."


  18. I'm not sure what anyone else said, but me thinks you need to give them MORE TV, then they will be sick of it. LOL who knows.

  19. Hahaha!!! That is too funny.
    At least they don't have those horrid toy commercials on Noggin. At least you don't have to listen to the "I want, I want, I want"s. ;)

  20. That's a new one for me - I haven't had a child hold onto the tv yet. :) Computer yes, tv no. :)

  21. It does get better. And, they do learn awesome stuff - promise. Look at mine's vocabulary.

  22. I've been letting my kids watch WAY too much TV lately. It's so easy in the winter.

  23. Are you sure we can't JUST watch TV? Because it is too freakin cold to go outside and the crying....oh the crying!

  24. OH Ho - it only gets worse when they learn how to use the remote!

  25. Oh no! I laugh, but because I've dealt with that, too!


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