Social Butterfly

So, I got an email from Workout Mommy. She and a group of fitness bloggers were going to be in The Big City for a Quaker event. I have been reading her since the beginning, and she asked if I would come down to the Hard Rock and have a drink. Fun!

Not only did I get to meet her, but she was with MizFit! They were so cool and it was really great to actually meet other bloggers! I am such a lightweight, I lasted two drinks and made it until 11:00pm. But hey, I got out of the computer, did my hair and make up, and went downtown to meet people. I'm calling it a win! How was your weekend?


  1. Woo! Go girl!!

    We had a nice lazy weekend, and I actually got around to posting something! Amazing, right? ;)

    Good for you - love to hear about other mommies gettin' did up and enjoying themselves away from the fam!

  2. it was so exciting to meet YOU in person! and, you lasted much longer than me. I was all quakered out!

    Thank you for coming out to visit us!

  3. That's great! I was terrified the first time I met the other burgh moms in person but I'm so glad I did. I hope this leads to lots of future gatherings for you!

  4. It's always fun to meet other bloggers in real life. I had a great weekend, we went to Six Flags and my mom took me shopping at Costco!

  5. That does sound like a good weekend. We spent the time in parks again. I enjoy it but would definitely trade one of these weekends for one that I can meet other bloggers!

  6. I am new to your blog having found my way over from an interview you did with another blogger. You have a lovely blog! My husband and I began the adoption process a year ago and are in the process of meeting children. We will be adopting a sibling group of either three or four -- we haven't decided between them yet. I know, very strange to say, but one must be careful to see which children would be happiest in our home.

    Loved your blog!

  7. A total win. Sounds fun.

    Mine wasn't nearly as good as yours. My son has a cold and my dog got sprayed by a skunk last night. We are a laugh riot around here.

  8. LOVED MEETING YOU IN PERSON (yep. all caps. that's the way my excitement rolls).

    Toddler calls.
    well, more aptly put SCREAMS.



  9. You go girl! I'm glad you had such a great time! Hopefully, this will only be the first of many outings with you and the girls!!

  10. I gave blood and almost passed out! I'm going to try it again in 8 weeks and see if I can do better.

    Sunday was a nice relaxing day.

    I'm enjoying the last of the weekends without a ton of holiday things to do.


  11. Totally boring compared to yours! But good for you for getting a little "me time" with the girls!

  12. That is so exciting! How fun! I'm only a little jealous. ;)

  13. Sounds great! I bet it was fun meeting up. :) My weekend? Boring.

  14. Whoooo HOOO that sounds like a good time, and it nice to actually meet the people you have grown to love. Why to go blog moms!!!!!!

    I'll admit that I was lazy this weekend.... accomplished nothing...

  15. There were a lot of awesome people apparently at that Quaker Oats shindig. I hear Blog Her '09 will be in Chicago. How many people can you put up at your house, haha.

  16. First time stopping by your veteran site since diving into this blog world headfirst like a month ago. But I think the pool was empty...yikes.

    anyway - I haven't gotten out and put on make-up in like six years I think but I MAY just do it this weekend as I have a birthday on the horizon and the in-laws have offered to babysit...

  17. does "doing your hair" mean you have to brush it? Because if so, then I'm out.

  18. How cool! I can't wait to meet my first fellow blogger!

    My weekend was yucky -- flu bug going around our house! Blah.

  19. i am so jealous! i would love to have met all of those fabulous bloggers (including you!)!!!

  20. Glad you got out and met fun bloggers. How cool!

  21. Loads of coolness - both Mizfit and Workout Mommy rock!

  22. I know we only met briefly, but thank you for coming out to hang with us! Indeed, Lisa and Carla are very cool :-)


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