Shhh...I Cheated

Yes, I cheated. Don't tell my running group, but I ran with another group this evening. I just think that speed work is essential to getting faster. Don'cha think? My group just keeps running up hills.
Yes, I see the merit in that, but it seems to me that you can't just do that! I see the benefits of doing both. I don't know why my coach doesn't see it that way...but he doesn't. So...I jumped the fence and ran with a different group. They were some fast buggers!
This coach pointed at me and said "you run under 9 min. for five miles". Ummm...OK! So, I did a mile warm up, then ran 5 miles at an 8:50 pace. Holy hard Batman! I ran like I was being chased, and I wasn't last:) Yay!
I am going off book this weekend as well. I don't think my regular coach is jacking up the miles. He has a 14 mile run this weekend, it's just not enough. I am out of town this weekend, so I am doing 18 miles on my own:P Now is the time to pile on the miles, and that is what I am going to do. I will be back with the hill runners next Wed...I think.


  1. You know your body and you know what needs to be done!!! Go for it!

    In this case, cheating is condoned.

  2. I'm a firm believer that if you're not cheating... you're not trying!


  3. think, I just go out and jog. Girlfriend, are you training for the London Games?

  4. Thats not cheating. Cheating is when you do something so that live is EASIER :)

    Enjoy the 18 miles this weekend.

  5. Ok so I have started to train for a 10k (goal is to do a half marathon by march) and I get so bored when I am not running on the treadmill with a TV in front of me, how do you starve off boredom on those long runs?

  6. I won't tell! I just hope no one from your other group reads your blog!

  7. Holy Hard Batman. What a funny line. I laughed.

    I won't tell.

  8. Under 9 minutes???? That is nuts! Wow. You continue to amaze me.

  9. Cheat away! I'm a regular running group hussie! I'll run with anyone as long as they are meeting my goals and challenging me!!! You gotta run with whatever group fits what you're going for! My running group is all about this hill thing, too, and they are training for an absolutely FLAT marathon (Houston). ??? Get your fast on! Whew! Have a great run this weekend!!!

  10. that is not cheating that is determination to push yourself. you know how your body works, if the other group/coach doesn't offer more mile motivation then i say go for a change.

    good luck on the 18 miles... wow!!!!

  11. that is not cheating that is determination to push yourself. you know how your body works, if the other group/coach doesn't offer more mile motivation then i say go for a change.

    good luck on the 18 miles... wow!!!!

  12. Great job on under 9 min miles for that long. Not cheating...just changing things up a little. Nothing wrong with that.

  13. 18 miles? That's clear across 8-9 towns here :)

    I don't see it as cheating. I see it as exploring opportunities for growth :)

  14. Good luck! You are seriously dedicated and I get tired reading about it. LOL

  15. you're not cheating- you're improving. I'm in a running group right now, and it's difficult because we are all at different levels. "Find a person who is equal to your ability, and then focus on beating them." -Paula Radcliffe

  16. I won't tell either! Well done though!

  17. When IS this marathon? Me thinks you need a countdown of some sorts. YOU GO GIRL!

  18. i think i need someone to chase me!

  19. It's not cheating if you are improving yourself. I wouldn't be able to run 1 mile EVER let alone 18

  20. Good for you. You are just being proactive...getting under 9 minutes is good...keep it up!


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