Poor Poor Pitiful Me...

Did you ever get so pissed off that you can't see straight...let alone make sense? Husband just made me so mad today!!! I can't go into detail, it's family stuff, and that is one of the downsides to everyone having access to your blog...but, it is my blog so I am going to rant a bit. It just seems that I am the only one who bends. Everyone else marches merrily along in happy land, and I trudge along behind cleaning up after everyone! I know this isn't making sense, but I am just sick to death of it! Sick, sick, sick! Does it ever seem that way to you, or am I the only one who seems to have found themself in this boat?

To top off my extra special crappy day...I found out that I am hosting a playgroup tomorrow for 10 people! Well, that is just fan-friggin-tastic! It's my own d*mn fault, I volunteered like two months ago, and then promptly forgot about it until just now...figures! Just when I think the load can't get any heavier...plop, right square on my shoulders. Let's all sing at once shall we...."Poor, poor, pitiful me. Poor, poor pitiful me..."


  1. Oh, dear. Are you going for a run to release steam? And, hubby needs to suck it. You have SO MUCH on your plate right now. Sorry, hon.

  2. Oh yes. I've had those days. They suck.
    Tell hubby to "suck it". That should get your point across. ;)
    Hang in there!

  3. Oh, yes indeed I have felt that way. I usually try to just choke it down, but yesterday I managed a lovely meltdown. My major gripe that time? Feeling like our 10mo old is MY baby and that everyone else (including husband) is just here to "help out." Gee, thanks for the favors. Argh.

    I really hope tomorrow goes well, and that you are feeling some relief soon.

  4. Amen.

    Joe the barber reads my blog. I would LOVE to write a post to him...

    Dear Joe,

    Stopping flipping reading me. Please forward this to your mother, your 10 sisters, and your uncle the governor.


  5. I've just spent 6 weeks of vacation with my husband... and have 2 more to go.

    Yes, I understand how you feel.

    Don't get mad - get even... though I've never done that, I'd love someone else to do it and let me live vicariously through them for awhile!

  6. I feel your anger...I also had a fight with hubs last night and cannot post about it since everyone knows my blog. But I could totally take your first paragraph and put it on my blog and it would work. I'm seriously thinking about it right now...ugh!

    Hope your playdate goes well!

  7. Okay, check mine out. We are alike.

  8. No need for details. I'm think I know all too well. The same happens here in this house and it drives me nuts...and then I can't blog about it.
    Hang in there!

  9. ACK! You need a stiff drink. Hey, it's noon somewhere. ;-)

  10. Hang in there!

    I have a lot of family drama with my siblings that I could write about but won't since my mother reads my blog daily and I'm fairly certain my siblings read it maybe once a month.

    Good luck with tomorrow! Just vacuum and throw the clutter in a closet and under some beds. ;)

  11. You wrote a early blog about Mrs. June Clever and the burdens put on women trying to keep up with everything, and right now I feel so alone when it comes to house work and really all I ask is to help a little. So go ahead VENT GIRL we all know how it feels.

    Good luck tomorrow!!!!

  12. Yuck, that sounds lousy. Hope the hubs has apologized profusely by now. Mine always acts like a complete jerk for a couple hours then realizes what an asshat he's been and makes up for it.

    Such a reminder of why my family doesn't know about my blog. 'Cept the hubs does and checks it periodically. And gripes if I'm too bitchy about him. damn, I knew I shouldn't have told him.

    Hope the day goes well.

  13. Ugh, ten people! And husband is being difficult!

    That sucks.


  14. I think we can all relate. Hope things get better soon!

  15. Oh no, sorry for the argument. I hope the playdate is fun anyway.

  16. I am singing at the top of my lungs over here - we've all had days like that...

  17. Ugh. I have been there! In fact I am there now. It sucks the big one. Go have a margy or something. I know I will!!!!!

  18. I feel ya! (hubby & entertaining) Can you throw in a random light on the dash of my car that keeps on lighting up even though I don't have a problem with my tire air pressure. It's putting me over the edge!

  19. I totally hear you! I am almost to that point myself. I just walk through my day keeping my mouth shut and screaming inside.

    Hope your load lightens soon!

  20. There must be something in the atmosphere. I just had the most ridiculous argument with my husband. Ill spare you the details.

    Ugh, just the thought of hosting a playgroup makes me nauseous. It's time to go buy a loaf of banana bread an put it out on a plate and pretend you baked it.

  21. It's your pity party and you can vent if you want to :-) I know the days has passed, but I hope it went ok for you!

  22. Are you a middle child by any chance? I seem to feel the same way a lot.

  23. I'm usually the bender too, so I sympathize.

  24. I am feeling your angst today.


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