Call Me Crazy But...

I got up at 5:30 this morning, had a cup of tea and a piece of toast. At 6:00, I hopped on a bike and rode a half an hour downtown to meet my running coach (yes, running coach) for my first speed training workout! I was more than a bit nervous. Can I tell you this? I am the only person who signed up for the group, so....I have my own private marathon trainer! Holy fabulous Batman! He really knows his stuff too. I am so psyched! I can't believe he is going to train me instead of just not offering the class. I suppose what does he care? He's doing it through the health club so he gets paid regardless of how many sign up.
The workout we did today was called a Fartlek workout (I know, where'd that name come from?), and it was hard. Basically, you start your run at a comfortable "base" pace. Then for a determined distance, or time, you kick it up to almost an uncomfortable pace. When you reach your determined time, you go back down to the base pace. The tendency is to slow the base pace when you are tired. Don't do that, you want the body to recover at the base pace, that's how you train your body to perform better, tired. Which happens in a marathon! Man I was wiped out by the end. Then, I had to bike a half an hour home! Needless to say, it's been a long day.
On the upside, Husband won't make it home until late tonight, so I get to do bedtime by myself:o I need a nap!


  1. Seriously. Fartleks? That is a great word!

    I have been running for a while now but I don't know if I will ever want to do a marathon. I give you all the credit in the world.
    Now go rest!!!

  2. I'm tired just sitting here on the couch reading about it. Whew!

  3. WOW I'm tired just reading this!! Congrats...

  4. I think I need a nap just reading about all that you do! You sound just like my trainer at the gym, she's young and fit like you are and she does triathalons sp?.

    Is that your cat in the baby chair??? That is a hoot!

  5. I got my exercise for the day just reading your post... holy crap lady. You are in some serious shape! Good on you!

    Hubby is running in a 5K this weekend and asked if I wanted to join him...

    as if.

  6. WOW! I really admire you for all this hard work you're putting in. Keep it up!

  7. heh heh...She said "fartlek"...heh heh heh

  8. Wowowowow! Where can I get some of YOUR motivation from? I am still trying to get motivated just to run on my own. Myself and I are still in negotiations, though nothing has been confirmed.

  9. Snickering at Fartlek.
    Okay I'm over it! But WOW! I would have passed out somewhere. Good for you!

  10. wow what some motivation, I'm sorry but I would have to drive to the gym. UMMMM to ride a bike and then run you are my hero

  11. I have never heard of Fartleks! Can I just say I am impressed with your commitment? 5:30 a.m.?! Wow.

  12. GIRL you need a nap! You're making ME tired! :)

  13. Tee-hee. FARTleks. I was supposed to do one workout a week with those when we trained for the marathon. . .but, I didn't. Hated them. You rock doing all that this morning! Way to go!!!

  14. oh that is awesome your own lucky for you. my hubby is home late tonight too, has been all week, bed time alone is NOT FUN.

  15. Wow, good for you!

    On our honeymoon, my husband and I signed up for group ski lessons, but we were the only ones, so we really had "private" lessons!

  16. And to think I was proud of myself for taking the parking spot farthest from the grocery store entrance. Now I just feel like a big Fartlek.

  17. WTG you Rock, I may give that a try but I am afriad I would have a heart attack.

  18. I know nothing about running/marathon lingo but that sounds awesome!! How impowered you must feel. Good for you for following through. I look forward to the progress reports.

  19. wow.. sounds very exciting! Kudos to you for riding your bicycle back and forth.


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