Wine...not Whine.

I am finally sitting down with a glass of white wine...*exhale* It was one of those know, where the babes cried and fussed all day. They did take naps (thank God) but they woke up cranky, cranky, cranky! Of course, Husband barely made it back for I had to do dinner by myself. The end of the day just gets hard, especially when I have to do it alone with two cranked out toddlers. So...I am having another sip of wine, and trying not to sound like whine;) Thankfully, I can report that they are both silent...yay:) The Little Man shrieked for a while before finally finding sleep:P
Are you all watching Idol? Did you see Simon after Fantasia sang? 'Nuff said. Everyone is crying...I've had enough of crying for one day. I say David Cook wins...the end.
Speaking of cranky...I have been cranking out blogs for folks. I don't know if I have hit my illustrating stride yet, but I have really come a long way. Guess what...I can draw! Who knew? I draw it first, import it to Illustrator...and go from there. Today's illustration...Yes, I drew this...not that I'm tooting my own horn or anything;) This one is for a new blog of a Mom who is training for the Iron Man Triathlon! I just had to turn her into Iron Mom the super hero:) I really like how it turned out, so I thought I'd share.
That's all I got...looking forward to LOST tomorrow, now I'm gonna go watch Syesha get voted off Idol...


  1. Hey C. I bought the domain....I'm still trying decide which way to go. Very on the fence.

    Love your iron lady.

  2. I love neat. I wish I had artistic talent.

  3. Why are all the tv shows ending now? I mean, weren't they on hiatus for like 2 months. So why don't they give us 2 months of shows NOW?

    Cool Iron Lady.

  4. You are absolutely kickin' butt! I always get a little thrill when I see NW Designs on someone's blog.. I think.. awe, I knew her back when :-)
    You really are rockin' it doll.
    Didn't watch AI. Too busy.
    I think DC is the bestest :-)

  5. Dudette! don't steal my look!!

    Okay, I can't bike. And I REALLY can't run. But I can swim!

    And what if one day I too take up the Iron man (coughlaughcough)? Then what icon will be left for me?

  6. Gee, do you think the wine has anything to do with that great illustrating? ;)

  7. 4:59 pm is my favorite time of the day... I crack open the bottle of wine, grab a glass, pour it in, and when 5 o'clock hits - toast myself to tackling another great day!

  8. My hubby's rarely home. I do dinner, bath and bedtime by myself most of the time. My kids are 4, 2 and 2. I feel your pain. I drink ALOT of wine. :)

    Sorry you had such a rough day.

  9. Love the drawing! Excellent!!

  10. I thought I was the only one who noticed Simon's look while Fantasia was singing. I admit I was not impressed with that.
    The drawing is good, I like it. You are really grasping the talent better than I am, I am so not ready to share anything I have attempted yet.

  11. Those kind of days with the kids are tough. Make you wonder sometimes if being a SAHM is all that. But then they smile and give you a hug and you realize it is. And then some.

  12. You and your graphics rock!

    I watch Syesha get voted off last night....can't wait to see who wins!

  13. You know, I think waking up cranky should be outlawed. I just don't get it. My little darling is famous for being a cranky pants!

    Love the super iron woman mom!

  14. it looks great!! And I hate those days when even after napping the angry toddler rises!!! I have to keep reminding myself that it is just a phase.

  15. You have every right to "toot" your own horn about your drawing abilities!! They are awesome!! I so wish I had talent like that. And the best is your helping people out and sharing your talent!! I know I'm 100% happy with my header!

    As for Idol..I totally agree with's David Cook all the way!

  16. There really is no end to your talent. Bravo!

  17. Simon's face was priceless!

  18. Well you were right - she got the boot! I, too, love your iron lady.

  19. Love the new illustration! Very cool. I haven't watched LOST yet from this week so I will come back to that post after I see it.


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