Ummm...There's a Bird on Your Head...

OK, if you know me, you know I love my Sex & the City. LOVE IT! I love Sarah Jess, I love her clothes, I even love her cheap clothing line Bitten. I get it, the girls are stylin' chicks in the city. They take fashion risks. I gotta tell ya, when I saw this...(shaking head, mouth open) I was almost speechless:o Psst, Sarah Jess...There's something growing on your head...


  1. Good, Mrs Duck was not the only one that asked that question

  2. YAY - I love SITC too - can't w82c the movie. Thx for sharing the foto - fun fun fun.

  3. Girl, don't mess with Sarah Jessica no matter what she puts on her head.

    I mean, in a couple years, we'll all be wearing those.

  4. She took the phrase "Going Green" to a whole new level.

  5. She's kicking going green up a notch by planting flora on her head.

  6. Oh my, who told her that looked good? I think she's taking too much liberty with celeberty fashion freedom!

  7. Dude! that's awful.
    I am so excited about SITC though. Yippeee :-)

  8. It's a bit much. The premiere isn't a couture runway show.

    I actually love it - as a centerpeice for my table.

    Her dress is so pretty and all anyone is looking at is that hat thing.

    I must say she is keeping it interesting. As if there wasn't enough buzz about the movie...maybe she's rilly rilly smart.

  9. I almost posted a picture of them from the London premiere. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE MOVIE to come out!

    I still think they all look fabulous, and I'm actually not surprised she is wearing a bit of nature on her head. Only she could pull it off. I loved the dress, though.

  10. Oh man! I agree that totally looks like a table centerpiece!

    I love her style too...usually.

  11. LMAO.

    Yea. I love the show too. But, I will not being adding that to MY Summer line.

    I heard that belts are in. As in, in every frame of the movie. I don't know if I can add belts in either.

  12. I will leave that fashion trend to the stars. And I don't even think she is doing a very good job pulling that one off.

    Kim C. looks a little frightened!

  13. I can't wait for the movie. I thought for a bit you photo shopped that thing on her head. It's horrible.

  14. Ya - that's a little crazy.

    I can't wait for this movie and I'm reviewing it for my Better Than A Playdate column. I'm kinda nervous though because I can't help but think they missed the boat a little - it should have been made a few years ago...

  15. Did she come straight from the Kentucky Derby? Cause that could only be a Derby hat, right??

  16. It looks suspiciously like someone threw out their old vase of flowers and it landed on her head.

  17. Friends don't let friends wear crap on their heads - at least not THAT! Maybe the rumors are true and they don't get along.

  18. Hahahah! She'd better make sure it hasn't eaten recently!

  19. why oh why. it has to be a joke, and she can pull it off....looks like an acorn

  20. That's the frigging strangest tumor I've ever seen.

  21. Someone should have stopped her. And she should have known better!

  22. WTH? Does she think she's at Mardi Gras?

  23. you and me both, sista. UN-Buh-Leeva-able.

  24. Maybe it's the flower James Wilkie got her for Mother's Day and she just couldn't part with it.

  25. I figure she had just left a Vegas showgirl gig or something, right? That is so wrong, but the dress is lovely.

  26. Wow! I can't seem to get past Cynthia Nixon's plunging neckline!

    Very interesting. Not for me, though.

  27. I'm all for hats. Even cocktail hats, on the right person, for the right occasion. This was clearly the right person and the right occasion, but ... it's really too tall. Or too green. Or too something.

  28. And she, and only she, can pull a hat like that off.

    I cannot wait for the movie! CANNOT WAIT! Do you hear me? :)

  29. I Adore SATC too! Can't wait for the movie, but I totally freaked when I saw that "thing" on her head! I guess it's all about the statement...but I SOOOOOO love my girls!!!

  30. She does love to go out on a fashion limb, doesn't she?

    All the girls should be sporting knock-offs of those pretty soon...


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