.....This is my Thursday Thirteen....
I have been editing my closet...whittling it down to the good stuff. You know what I mean, if you wear really old looking styles, it just makes you look and feel old. Usually, I keep a paper bag in the closet, if I put something on, and I don't feel good in it, it goes in the bag, and to the Salvation Army. Then there is the rare item, that for whatever reason, I have become attached to. So, I am leaving their fate up to you...Keep or pitch, you tell me...

1) Let me say in my defense, there was a time when I rocked these jeans. Is that time coming back any time soon? No...yet I can't get rid of them.

2) These were once favs...Now, not so much...are these pockets still doable?

3) I don't know why this photo is so small. The pants are velvet cargo pants from Club Monaco. It seems every year, they say velvet is good for holiday...I haven't worn them in years...

4) This is a cute Asian inspired top. Cute, doesn't fit...

5) This was once a staple. A goto coat, it's Mountain Hard gear. I just don't wear it, but I can't seem to get rid of it...

6) Oh my, I used to love these jeans by DKNY. Now I just think why? Still, I keep them...

7) Look at this North Beach leather jacket. Dated? Yes. In my defense, it's the first present Husband ever gave me...Holy, out of style Batman! Whatd'ya to with it?

8) I bought this in LA. It is a total rock star coat, the question I have to ask myself...Am I a rock star?

9) I bought these retro sneaks in Paris. That is why I have never gotten rid of them. Do I keep them forever?

10) A lifetime ago, I took my nephew to see Justin Timberlake. All I can say is this shirt seemed like a good idea at the time. What do I do with it?

11) On the concert front...I saw Madonna. Why can't I get rid of this shirt?

12) More concerts...I thought this was the coolest shirt when I bought it in a former life. Loves me Bono. This shirt is big enough for three of me. I never wear it, and I can't get rid of it...
13) I don't know where the pic went, but I have adidas rip away basketball pants b&w. They are so not flattering, and yet I keep them....Why?
So I leave it to you...what do I keep, what goes...I will be strong and take your suggestions:)
Nap Warden, toss the Justin T. and the Madonna tees. Keep the Bono. It doesn't even look like Justin! Happy TT!
ReplyDeleteWell, there's always a charity to make you feel good about giving stuff away; there's always the obvious: it will come back in style and being the frugal type, this might be in your best interest. I really don't think keeping a Justin or Madonna (anything with a name on it) is that great of an idea no matter how ya slice it though *wink*
ReplyDeleteGood luck and happy TT :)
erm...i would be apt to toss 'em all...maybe with the exception of the shoes...:)
ReplyDeleteThis is Midlife Mom I have another one of those weird comments on my last blog could you please take it off for me? I'm on my Dad's puter in Florida so I hope this lets me leave this comment. I'll catch up with you when I get home. Thanks!
Well, coming from someone who has absolutely NOTHING in her closet of either that vintage or hip style, I would say get rid of it. However, living as I do near my husband's relatives who all make quilts out of such items, I offer you that alternative; could you cut them up and make them into something else? It seems like they are mostly sentimentally stuck, not really anything you'd ever wear again. Hey, maybe just the photos and a cool collage frame might serve the purpose; lots less work! :-) Happy TT!
I love 1 & 6. I would so wear them on the bike. If they don't fit, I'd get rid of them. Some of them might come in handy at Halloween though. Happy T13!
ReplyDeleteI have a friend who's a Feng Shui "expert" (whatever that means). She says you should only keep things you love love love. To hang on to things that no longer bring you joy is to give in to your fear of an unabundant world.
ReplyDeleteI'd sell the t-shirts on eBay myself...
If it still fits and it is in good condition, why get rid of it?
ReplyDeleteI think you've come to a point in your life when they could all go... and you can go shopping. Except for Bono.
ReplyDeleteI'm with the Teach. Keep Bono and let the other two go!
ReplyDeleteSleep in the tees, especially the Madonna one. Move the Mountain Hardware jacket to your coat closet; you'll be surprised how often you reach for it once it's handy and you're in a rush.
ReplyDeleteAs for the velvet, why wait for the holidays?
Keep the concert tees! They are a part of your history! You could make them into a quilt . . .
ReplyDeleteAnd I have a leather coat that my husband gave me so long ago - it looks like a blazer (it WAS the 80's!) and I can't seem to part with it.
I know, I'm sooooo helpful.
Unless you are going to/throwing a nostalgia party, I would get rid of the jeans with designs on them. You have to keep the sneakers from Paris and the concert T-shirts... never get rid of your concert Ts.
ReplyDeleteI'm doing this same thing right now! I've decided that I hate 75% of what is in my closet.
ReplyDeleteI'm holding my breath here --- keep the Rock Star coat and ditch the rest.
Keep the coat because you are a Rock Star!! In a cape.
you HAVE to save the concert tee's and the rock star jacket...i love that rock star jacket!!
ReplyDeleteAll should go to the bag except for the rubber shoes and the tshirt on #13. Not that it is in style or whatever but you can use them when you some house cleaning or whatever dirty stuff you do if and when you have a garden, it would be so helpful.
ReplyDeleteoh my, and oh dear -
ReplyDeleteI am so very, very old...
But if you keep them in the back of your closet, your kids can use them when they're in their retro phase
If you haven't worn it in the last year, get rid of it. If you haven't worn it in the last THREE, then it really needs to go.
ReplyDeleteOooh, I got it. Maybe hold a contest and give some of the sentimental favorites away! Or, Ebay it and make some dough!
I need to see how it all fits you before I decide. If you are not willing to model all pieces and post them on the blog then you need to give them all to charity. LOL.
ReplyDeleteThose fire pants kill me....
I can't talk, I have old prom dresses in my closet.. hanging my head in shame...
OMG...those are all in style now!! I cant get over those jeans with the flames...LMAO...too funny. Thank you so much for the test site...its great. I sent you a few comments:) Happy TT my friend.
ReplyDeleteI suggest charity, then shop for a new wardrobe.
The Pink Flamingo
Well, I will take the 5th on every one except #8. That has GOT to stay in your closet!!! Woo hooo!
ReplyDeleteHappy TT!!
Keep everything except the leather jacket, the Mountain Gear sweatshirt and the Bono tee. Start wearing that first pair of jeans again immediately. (just kidding - don't throw them out though)
ReplyDeleteI bet you were "hot" in those pants....no pun intended...also don't send Mr. Warden to punch my lights out.
I might wake up and see the tiger striped jeans and think he hit me so hard that he knocked those clothes back into style.
You are brave showing the items that come from the closet. Pitch it....Then help the Salvation Army.
Have a wonderful day,
Busy Dad
You could donate most of these items to one of the contestants on American Idol.
ReplyDeleteI love the jeans and the Bono shirt.. if there's something i'll toss away that will be #8
ReplyDeleteHappy TT!
I'd probably toss them all except for the sneakers, because I like them!! :) Happy TT, great idea for a list :D
ReplyDeleteOne thing I do every Jan 1 is hang ALL my clothes on the rod backwards. As I wear them, I hang them the "right" way. If on Jan 1 they are still the "wrong " way....give them away!! If you ever have a need to wear them again, you can most likely find something like it at Goodwill!!!
ReplyDeleteSo, NW, toss toss toss it all!
lol I think that 1, 6, and 10 need to go, for sure. The rest..can tay for now.
ReplyDeleteYou are some kinda rockin' chick! Concert tees and jeans with flames ...! Those are exactly the kind of things to wear to a concert. I'd keep them for an occasion like that. If you ever want to part with the flame jeans, though, I hope you'll let me know!
ReplyDeleteI am like you. I keep clothes I don't wear because of the memories attached to them, or other just as goofy reasons!
ReplyDeleteI think keep 1,3,and 6 -1 for fun and maybe costume later the other 2 to wear
ReplyDeleteThe jeans with the designs on them have got to go. lol
I'd definitely keep the Madonna tank top!!! And the leather jacket...you may think it's 'dated'...but it's all too cool if you ask me.
ReplyDeleteClick Here for My 13 Women In History celebrating National Women's Hisotry Month I'd love to have your drop by!!!
Keep 4, 9 (if they fit) and 12....you have to keep the Bono shirt.
ReplyDeleteThe jeans honey, time to let go of them.
Great TT.
Mine is up and so less interesting.
I like that idea of the paper bag in the closet. That cuts down the nostalgic feelings when you're looking through clothes that are in their place.
ReplyDeleteKeep the sneakers....Give the others away.
You need to say goodbye to #1, #4 (if it doesn't fit, you must acquit), #6, #7, #8, #10, #11, #12, #13.
ReplyDeleteGap is currently carrying jeans like #2 so heck ya! you can still wear them. I lurves them.
I'd say keep the souvenirs--get rid of the rest. I've been s l o w l y going through my closets, too. It's not easy getting rid of things that still fit, but are out of style or just plain don't look good, but I'm doing it slowly but surely.
ReplyDeleteKeep the Nikes, they are cute! I believe the time has come for the rest to go. Just Do It!
ReplyDeleteOK if I were living close to you and we were good friends I would shake you silly to make you see the light. Therefore my vote is that you only keep the Rock star coat (you have to have some eclectic clothes) and the pull over thingy. Everything else MUST go! :)
ReplyDeleteI think it is always great to donate your clothes to charity but it is also nice for your kids to see your fabulous taste :) once they hit their teenage years. I certainly enjoyed going through my Mom's stuff...and her 70's clothes def. made for great halloween costumes!
ReplyDeletetoss them all. You'll feel goodddddddddd!
ReplyDeleteHappy TT!
If your wear that jacket, you'll be a rockstar. hehehe. i'd say keep the sneaks :)
ReplyDeleteNice nice nice TT :)
If you have the space, you should keep them. It seems like each item has its own story or history, and that's totally okay (in my opinion). Can't wait to hear what happens!
ReplyDeleteToss all of the jeans. Yes. Keep the Bono (LOVE HIM) tee. And DEFINITELY keep the shoes. I love those! I would sooooo wear those!
ReplyDeleteGreat TT! So creative!
Whoa, you have got yourself some crazy looking jeans, girlfriend. I think it is time to let them see the light...if ya know what I mean.
ReplyDeleteI say toss it all, especially those big pocket jeans. The sneakers are cute though, might want to hang on to those.
me I say... you now have a picture to help you remember why you loved them in the first place... time to toss them out and make room for new!
ReplyDeleteI think they all have to go. You might be able to justify the Madonna cami under a button down shirt, but if you won't wear it then it has to go. It is cruel, but you will feel relieved to be rid of the questions.
ReplyDeleteGet rid of it all.
ReplyDeleteSeriously. :-)
You're too cute, for that nostalgic crap :-)
Make room for new and better stuff. :-)
You must *ahem* 'say goodbye to yesterday'
OMG, the rocker jeans are cracking me up! I say get rid of everything. It'll all look better on a Goodwill rack.
ReplyDeleteOk, what did you think of the flashback/fast forward episode? And Jin is the one who dies! I had a feeling it was him. :(
OK. The J.T. t-shirt is not a question - ba-bye!
ReplyDeleteThe rest you seem to have a good reason to keep (except for maybe that first pair of jeans...). I love the sneakers, I would totally wear those!
Just my opinions...
P.S. I am horrible at purging clothes so take my 2 cents with a grain of salt (cliche anyone?)
Club Monaco, oh my hell. A very grateful salvation army bin received half of their 1997-2003 lines. And I think I owned those velvet cargo pants.
ReplyDeleteAND, I have a tie dyed Iron Maiden t-shirt, that seemed like a good idea to my boyfriend (now husband), and now i can't get rid of for sentimental reasons
OMG! Rock them sneakers girlfriend! Love those :)
ReplyDeleteI'd toss Justin, Bono, the pants with the flames and the zebra pants.
ReplyDeleteI'd keep the rest. :)
Love the list. I can understand your quandry. I've read the feng shui thing about getting rid of it if you don't love it and agree with that. I do love the quilt idea though. I say toss them all!
ReplyDeleteWell if you love it, keep it! Except maybe the leather jacket... Thanks for stopping by!
ReplyDeleteif you dont want the justin shirt ill take it. i dont have mine anymore and my christina one my mom had taken away a long time ago...i still have the posters and there on my wall of the dorm