If You Can't Say Anything Nice...

Then mind your own effin' business! I'm peeved, again! Doesn't it seem like I'm always worked up about somethin'? By now, you all know, I live in The Big City. I would assume this presents different challenges in child raising than if I had moved to the country (where I am from) or the suburbs (which I know nothing about). Currently, one of my biggest issues is with the fact that... A) I am with the children all day (husband works long hours). B) Miss Peach is now a toddler, she wants to walk everywhere. This is not easy for me. It is quite a juggling act to push one baby and chase the other. When you add in the rest of the city, it becomes downright dangerous! Here is an example...Yesterday we were crossing at the stop sign, Miss Peach was pushing The Little Man in the stroller and I was guiding them across the street. Miss Peach's shoe came off right in the intersection, I am trying to get the shoe back on and shuffle to the other side. Cars were honking (can you believe that...what a**holes!). Finally (maybe a minute later) I got so flustered that I just picked her up and got us all to the other side. Her other shoe came off when I did this and she screamed "green shoe, green shoe, green shoe". Wouldn't you know it, the jerk ran right over her shoe! Seriously, you couldn't give me one minute...seriously! It is scenes like this that lead me to buying this...Yes, it is a harness. I assumed when I bought this that some folks would accuse me of putting my child on a leash...well maybe it is, but I am just trying to keep her safe. You have to remember that I am navigating two small children through a major metropolitan area by myself every day! Miss Peach screams like crazy when I hold her hand, I don't know why but she just isn't up for that. She does however love her "monkey". She wears it backwards so she can hug the monkey (sweet). I agonized over this purchase, but it really works for me. Well wouldn't you know it, some shriveled old bag walked by us today, looked right at Miss Peach and said "are you a puppy?" She had a real snotty tone, and said it more than once. Who asked you?!? I realize that when you raised your children, the city had horse and buggies, but can I just say things are movin' a bit faster now! There were so many ugly things I wanted to say to her... Why is it that people think they can just say anything to perfect strangers? Yeah lady, my child is a puppy, and she doesn't seem to mind sleeping in a crate either!!! I just don't have the strength to defend myself to strangers. If you don't like the way I gettin' it done, move along. Is this going on everywhere? Am I way out of line for using the monkey harness? That witch put me right back into a tailspin over my decision...Thanks for nothing b*tch!!!


  1. Before I got to the paragraph under the photo I had decided to tell you to go buy one of those kid harnesses. They insure that kiddo does not wander off or run in front of a MAC truck. So chalk up the ole lady comments to ignorance and teach your puppy to heel, but skip the down (sit down) she will get dirty sitting on the sidewalk.

  2. Do what you have to do! Mine have scared the crap out of me wandering off or deliberately hiding from me in a busy place.

    I completely agree - strangers on the street have no right to but in and say anything about your leash, I mean, safety device. Hee Hee. (Teach her to bark when people say it.)

  3. Nancy Grace said the other day on her show that she didn't care what anyone thought, when she has her twins, she's going to put them on the child leashes. She just sees too many cases of child abduction. (This was after that incident with the little girl in the Wal-Mart who turned in the child molester masquerading as a cop.)

    I don't have kids, but I'm always horrified when I see a small child wandering by himself somewhere and no parent in sight. I always stop and try to find the parent because I think if I don't, it'll be someone who'll harm the kid. Honestly, I think as quick as kids are and as distracting as the world is today, you have to do anything and everything you can to protect them and if tying a string to them and yourself is what you need to do, then go for it; it's no one's business but yours. What's important is keeping them safe.

  4. I work in a fairly busy museum and I can't tell you how many children get lost around here. We're wondering where the f their parents are. I mean- duh!- Where do you think the abductors hang out? Certainly not in a CHILDREN's Museum! Surely not!

    *disclaimer-- we don't have child abductors roaming the halls-- I'm just saying if one WERE to want to take a child...etc.

    I say do whatcha gotta do, people in glass houses, yadda yadda yadda.


  5. Do what you have to do! I used one with my son, not with either of my daughters. He needed it though. He and my oldest daughter are 22 months apart, and he was at that stage of wanting to do it himself while I was still dealing with her and her stroller and/or infant carrier, and it was the only thing that saved my sanity.

    Just try to ignore the ignorant morons. Only an idiot would assume that their way is the only way. Most of us realize that all kids are different and what works for some kids in some families don't work for all kids in all families.


  6. hugs. What a horrid old woman. I am so glad you are brave enough to do what is best for your kids, instead of worrying about what people think.

  7. I actually have that same harness for my son!!! We call it his "monkey pack" (like Diego's rescue pack) and he loves it. He sometimes wears it around the house so I can lead him around by his tail!!

    It's all about your kiddos safety and your sanity. Ignore the rest of the world, just do what is best for you and your family.

    :) Lisa
    aka workout mommy

  8. I am so in love with your blog and your outlook on this! :)
    I have to admit, before I was a parent I thought those things were kinda cruel..."she's got a leash on her kid?!"
    Now, after having 4 kids in 5 years...I wonder if I get a discount for buying them in bulk! :)
    You should go read a recent post of mine called "Wally World". I'd love to hear your comments on that one! :)

  9. I like the harness idea. If they'd had them when my kids were little I would have gotten one! Sounds like you're doing just fine.

  10. My goodness, just forget about what that old bag had to say... or what anyone has to say, for that matter.

    Besides, if she was a puppy she probably would have bit her nasty judgmental finger right off! Would ya blame her??? (hehe)

    You job numero uno is to protect those sweet, but sometimes troublesome kids. Rock the lease/monkey. At least, you know you won't be on the 10 o'clock news...

  11. Use the backpack, believe me its saved the life of my kids, wouldn't be without it. Practice exuding a "Keep your f***in mouth shut" aura, it works wonders. Either that or make the comment first when you notice someone with that stupid expression on their face. You know the one, its the one that says, Im a useless git who can't control my own life so Im gonna ruin your day!!

  12. First of all...nice new header photoshop queen :)

    She probably was mad because someone kept her favorite Tupperware too long...

    As far as the harness...do whatever you have to for your children's safety...right on momma!

    Just make sure, that when they stop to poop on the grass...pick it up with a baggie like a good mother should :)

    The Egel Nest

  13. Oh man!! You need a serious vacation this weekend! I'm all for the monkey. I don't see it as being all that different from a stroller.


  14. Nothing wrong with keeping your kids safe! You do what you have to do! Jerks!

  15. WE have the puppy one. :)

    okay...so what is a crib or a playpen???? could be seen as a cage?

    What is a baby gate? Could be seen as animal fencing?

    So what is a safety harness? Could be seen as a leash. But is the lease used to Walk the child? NO it is used to keep the child as a safe disstance without have to yell, or rip their arm off.

    It is all about safety....and I am all about safety...so rock on mama!

  16. It is easy to judge when it isn't you doing something. What an old witch.

    I think those harnesses are wonderful and know (KNOW!) I will need one when my boy starts walking in public; he only crawls now and I can't keep track of him in our home!

    Screw her. And all her nosy friends, too.

  17. I never used one on my kids..but I seriously entertained the idea with Max..I just never got around to getting one. I say, all power to you. I can't blame you nor find fault with you..how dare that old hag say anything to you either..seriously! I commend you for putting your childs safety and well being first! I hate busybodys! I would have told her to mind her own business!

  18. First off, I can't believe those a**holes were honking at you with 2 small children!! I would have given them something to honk about!!! People are so rude these days. Why can't they just mind their own business??? I just bought one of these harnesses for my daughter and if someone asks that, I will be telling them to mind their business. Kids dart out into parking lots and in front of moving cars very easily and if I offend someone because I am trying to protect my child, so be it. When she is grown, I am sure she will appreciate all I did for her and that is all that matters!!! HUGS!

  19. this is why I chose to never leave the house..

    unless I am alone..

    Oh and my MIL made my hubby and his brothers all wear elashes, dont sweat it;)

  20. I DON'T BLAME YOU!!! I was so stressed just listening to your story - strap that harness on and hang on tight. See ya.

  21. I don't have kids myself but I hate when people stick their noses in other people business especially when it is reguarding their kids you are doing what you need to do to keep your kids safe god forbid you not had that harness & something happened I am sure that same old nosey bitty would have said something like "oh my why wasn't she watching her kidss"

  22. I used one with my son. No shame in my game! Some kids need them, so don't sweat it.

  23. Oh NO, her shoe got run over? That mean old woman SUCKS ROCKS! Izzy just blogged about the same thing, it' s NOT a leash it's a safety harness!

  24. This is my first visit to my blog and it definitely won't be my last. I feel for you, girl -- I had my twin boys in the "leashes" when they were younger and I dare anyone to say anything nasty!

  25. I have a wrist "leash" in my diaper bag... just in case. I've used it in busy cities, airports, malls, etc. No problem with others using it either. I actually got the idea from someone I saw at an airport... I had to ask her where she got it since her kid was roaming "freely" while she sat and I was following mine up and down stairs and all around the airport.

    My mom had a harness... that I actually have somewhere... that she used on my younger siblings. AND she used it in a SMALL town.

    Just do what you gotta do to stay sane AND keep the kids safe... ignore the crazed old ladies of the world!! :)

  26. We have that same harness, and it is a lifesaver, literally. Don't listen to idiots. There is NOTHING wrong with using a safety harness on your toddler.

  27. We have harnesses--a puppy named Wrangler and a bear named Buster. Tell the old bag to sod off--she's not your mother, she's not THEIR mother, and she should MYOB.

    My kids are 22.5 months apart, and my son constantly finds it humourous to dash off into traffic. Not so much for me.

  28. That lady is a troll. And, running over your shoe? I would've picked it up & thrown it at his car to crack the windshield. Not nice. You're right, these people need to go watch Bambi (loved that title). And, I've often thought about buying a tot line.

  29. I would totally use one of those backpacks. They've even made them look like backpacks instead of harness like ones they used to make. Maybe you should carry some nun chucks in that backpack and whip them out whenever you get snotty remarks!

    That'll learn 'em!

  30. Old ladies never keep their mouths shut. I remember one bitching at my for taking my 3 week old child to Duane Reade for diapers. She needed diapers. Who else was gonna get them?

    Leashes are fine.

  31. Ugh... Next time ask the woman if she values puppies more than children, 'cause no one hesitates to put a puppy on a leash to keep them safe. I mean, seriously.

    We live in the city and I have absolutely no problem with the harness, and will be purchasing one as soon as Peanut is walking fast enough to get away from me. It's about safety.

  32. so does the monkey come as part of it or is a removable stuffed animal?


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