Brian Williams, Ehhh.

So, who watched...did anyone watch? When I heard Brian Williams was hosting Saturday Night Live, I had to watch. Brian Williams is still my world news guy. I tune in every weeknight. Yes, I miss my Tom Brokaw, but Tom was gettin' old and it was time to go. I'm diggin' Brian, he's good. I was looking forward to seeing him step out of his anchorman box. Well, for me, it was just OK. He did a couple sketches trying to be not Brian Williams, but he still just looks so starched and ironed. I wanted to see him be silly.I wanted to see him be a regular guy.I would have settled for seeing them mess up his hair. I can't believe that SNL had the anchorman for NBC Nightly News, and they didn't use him for their news! What!?! It would have been worth it just to see Amy Poehler and Seth Meyer mess up his hair. Opportunity missed, I think so. Brian, (can I call you Brian?) don't be to hard on yourself. You did OK. It's not your fault that SNL is a mere shadow of it's former self. You are not a writer, you are a reader. I give you major props for steppin' out of the box. Kudos to you! Now, if you could just mess up your hair for me on Monday night, you will have won me over completely! Thanking you in advance...Nap Warden.


  1. SNL is so way past my bedtime, unfortunately. But, as you said, it isn't nearly as groovy as it was when I watched it.

  2. I meant to watch and forgot. I thought it was odd that they chose an anchorman. That would've been great if he'd gotten his hair messed!

  3. NW -

    We saw it...I love Brian Williams...and I have seen him interviewed before...he isn't as stiff as he appeared...his writers failed him...haven't they failed everyone for a number of years now?? :)

    The Egel Nest

  4. He has been on "The Daily Show" before (and I believe "The Colbert Report"), and he's hilarious at those times. He can be so self-deprecating, but he stays in his uptight, newsanchor role. It works!

    I didn't see him on SNL, but I imagine there will be clips on Youtube. ;o)

  5. It was a rare Saturday night I was awake to watch SNL....I miss the SNL of the good old days....
    anyway I thought the writers failed to create any decent bits for Brian Williams, they seem to fail all of their guests though now.

  6. I love Brian Williams too-- (acutally, I call him "Bri" so I think it's okay for you too if you want) but I couldn't keep my eyes open to watch SNL... I'm just too exhausted at the end of the day.


  7. I'm a Brain William fan, also!

    SNL is Tivo'ed here. I'll have to watch.

    Thanks for stopping over at my blog. I love it when new people visit!

  8. I watched and I must say, your pictures of him are way funnier than he was on SNL.

  9. We watch Mr. W too. But your shots are far more interesting! Hey, is that George Clooney by chance in the John Deere hat? That body looks so familiar. And like the new banner! Can't wait for Christmas already.

  10. We love SNL - but I missed this one. I'd have liked to have seen it. Good pictures.

    Big Lots - Ohhhhh - you are missing out. Lots of stuff - good snake foods for kids lunches, candles, rugs, shampoo, artifical plants, furniture, baby wipes ... everything - find you one! I'd have been more worried if you said you LOVE to Polka dance (so afraid I might offend someone with some of the stuff I come up with - ya know). See ya. Have a good day.

  11. I rather enjoyed it...I just love him...and I loved the montage they did with him showing his day and when he calls himsel* and le*t a messgae...oh it cracked my shit up..

    love him...

  12. Hilarious! I love him in the rockabilly 'do.

  13. Dork that I am I didn't know who Brian Williams was...!


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