I remember leaving home for the first time. I was heading off to CSU. My mother met me at the door and said "Don't get into any trouble." as my father and I went out on our three hour drive to the airport. I thought I was fine. I was fine on the drive there. I was fine parking the car. I was fine eating breakfast at the airport...Then my father said "Well Skeezicks (that was my nickname) this is it". I completely lost it. I was a blithering, blubbering mess. I cried in the restaurant. I cried in the waiting area. I cried on the plane all the way to Denver...mess. All this emotion eventually subsided when I realized I was three states away from any authority figure...and a good keg party never hurts!
It seems that #1 Daughter has more direction than I had at that time in my life. This is not to say that I was bad and she is good, or one is right and the other wrong...It's just different. This young lady has so much drive! We won't see her again until Christmas (that seems so long off). I believe when she returns, she will be a grown-up. What an exciting time for her. I hope she knows how proud her baby brother and sister are of her. Good luck #1 Daughter, we hope you find what you are looking for!
I know she will be reading the blog, so send her a shout out and show her some love!
good luck i hope you enjoy far far away land and have a wonderful time if you wanna email me my email is badseamonkey06@yahoo.com...i kno you gave me ur email earlier but likea loser i dont kno what happened to it
ReplyDeleteAt least in today's world communications even with Far, Far Away land is just keystrokes away..unless they have Skype.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your experiences, you will always look back on this a a great one.
Good luck on you adventure. We'll miss you while you're away! As I told your Dad and Wheels...I want to be Daughter #1 when I grow up!!
ReplyDeleteI'll be thinking of you!
Hi Sweetie! You are on your way north...I am going to write you a letter this weekend. Let me know how long it takes to get there!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful experience this should be for you. Something you will remember as a real positive in your life. Take care of yourself!