
I saw all kinds of super, Martha Stewart looking Valentine's on Pinterest for the crafter in me. (I know there's a crafter down in there somewhere...)

I did have every intention of getting my craft on and making some super Valentine's for the kiddos to take to school...

Then, Little Man said: "Mommy, I want Fruit Roll Up Valentine's." world just got easier. The good folks at Fruit Roll Up, actually made to: and from: packages for Fruit Roll Up's...yay team. One down, one to go...

Miss Peach: "Mommy, I'm going to make my own Valentine' don't need to help."

SUPER STAR! She sat down with her list of 27 students...and hand made a Valentine for each one of them. Then she taped a fun dip package to each so everyone would have a treat. LUV!
I got off easy...may your Valentine's go as well:)

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