I made it!

Well...I made it...and here's the view from my room.

Pretty sweet, huh?

Without dissing any airlines, I got to the airport only to find that my flight had been cancelled:/

I freaked.

The lady at the counter said: "It's OK, we'll put you up in a hotel, and we'll fly you through Dallas in the morning:)"

"Ummmmm...NO!"...and I freaked a lot more:O

After much "This is COMPLETELY unacceptable!" they got me out on another airline...EIGHT hours later! So, I had eight hours to kill in O'hare Airport. Not. Fun:(

You know what happened next...right?





So, I had an epic, full on (we are talking Wicked Witch of the West in Wizard of Oz) melt down at the baggage claim...and then they found it.

Now I'm here...and I'll be speaking Saturday on Great Blog Design...Super. Excited!


  1. Ooh, that stinks, but you made it. Whoo hoo! I'm looking forward to your Great Blog Design session tomorrow.

  2. Hopefully your trip back is extremely uneventful! Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks chickie! :)

  3. I would have hyperventilated at the cancellation. So the lost bags? I may have died right there. :)

    Hope you flight back home is a great one!

    P.S. I always get excited to find other Chi-town girls! Woot!

  4. So sorry to hear of your adventure just to get to San Diego. Glad you made it tho cuz I had the wonderful benefit of hearing you speak at the conference. :-) Thank you for some great information on web design. I took copious notes on all you said and I hope to incorporate some changes on my site in the near future. A big HUG out to you. Now here's hoping your flight home goes smoothly!!

  5. How did I miss you?!

    Also? Wanting to talk about a blog makeover.

  6. Phew, what a lovely post! Your journey of achievement is clear testament that hard work pays. Being myself a marketer I often look for the best content writer in pakistan and your success story is really inspiring. It is good to appreciate how devotion is rewarded, and it is something that should be encouraging to everyone to work hard in order to achieve their objectives.


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