Easter Cake Pops!

OK...I'm not a baker, not a chef, not any kind of foodie AT ALL. When Andrea mentioned cake pops...I was like...what? Googled 'em, and they looked fun...fairly easy...and I became obsessed...so I had to try them.

Fwiw, I hoped back and forth between Pioneer Woman's directions...and Bakerella's. Being that both of these posts were done in 2008...yes, I am WAY behind the curve on this one;P

So...I bought the cake, crumbled it up...and added about 3/4 of a container of frosting...(which I'm gonna go munch on right now since the rest is in the fridge...yum:P)
In my experience, I'm with PW on this...erring on the side of less icing seemed better to me. I liked a bit of cake consistency and a bit less mush.

My thought here was to have this be a dry run of an Easter project for kiddos. Last year, we colored about two dozen eggs, most ended up being pitched since no one in the house eats hard boiled eggs but me. Let's face it...it's a tall order for me to eat 2 dozen hard boiled eggs:/
SO...I did what PW said, and shaped my little cake mush into the best egg I could make...and popped them in the freezer for an hour. I gotta say here...make sure you don't make the balls too big. I had a couple eggs fall right through the stick from being too heavy:( Don't worry...the outtakes were eaten and enjoyed as well;P
I used the glass bowl over a pot of boiling water for melting. Bakerella, and the candy melt bag said I could use the microwave, but the double boiler method seemed like it would be easier to keep the candy soft for dipping. It was easy peasey...and believe me...I've never done this before...evah!

So, I put the sticks  (note...I used Popsicle sticks instead of lollipop sticks) in my cakey eggs, dipped them in the melted white chocolate...and turned them until they were fairly dry and then, I sprinkled different bits of candy confections on them so they were festive and Eastery. ("Eastery"...is that a word???)

I'm wound a bit tight, so I took PW's suggestion of adding just a touch of vegetable shortening (Crisco, made the mix less thick and it made dipping easier)...next time around...I think I might just make 'em messy and stick 'em on the wax paper instead of drying in the Styrofoam.
Here they are!!! I made these!

Now at first bite...I didn't like 'em:O Here's the mistake I made...(maybe Bakerella or PW said this, but I missed it)...let them thaw out after you dip them. I bit right into one when I finished...and it was still kind of a frozen mush...not so yummy:/
Once they come back up in temperature, the inside gets a bit more of a cake consistency again...and as my kiddos say..."YummyMcYummertons"!!!

Was it easy...yes.
Was it messy...kinda.
Was it worth it...yes.
Will I make 'em again...ABSOLUTELY!


  1. I must google these and make them for easter. :) Just for me of course.

  2. Oooh, they look and sound awesome! Have you had the cake pops at Starbuck's? they are too die for. Being able to make them at home could be a very bad thing! LOL

  3. I just might be able to do this myself !!
    Who cares if there are no kiddies to share it with ?

  4. They make these at Starbuck's? Oh No, Mrs. Nap!! (I couldn't say 'Mr. Bill' - that wouldn't make any sense.)

  5. Oh my GOD! You made cake pops! Being a NON-baker myself, I don't know if I could do this... but you've sort of inspired me... maybe I will try, too! GREAT JOB!!!!! (P.S. My boys LOVE the cake pops from Starbucks!)

  6. OK look at you!!!! Lookie! These are really cute.

    One of my co-workers is a big foodie and she brought in red velvet cake pops. They were AWESOME.


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