Let down your hair

I would like to personally thank whatever marketing/toy guru thought up adding the Rapunzel wig to the full Rapunzel costume.

No really, I would...

I so DON'T have a problem going EVERYWHERE with Miss Peach wearing this get up...

REALLY I don't.

Sure, she looks like the kooky old lady who marches up and down Diversey Avenue wearing her prom dress...what of it?

She's happy, right?

So what if Mommy's embarrassed...get over it mommy:p


  1. She looks beautiful and before you know it you will be the one embarrassing them (see my 11 year old) instead of them embarrassing you!

  2. She should shop with Micah. The boy will wear cowboy boots, shorts, a superhero cape, and a witch's hat in public. Like to school one day.

  3. She looks booful!

    My daughter loves her princess costume. Wears it pretty much everyday. I have to pry it off her crying body to wash it so shes not a disgusting mess. Thank god, though, NO wig.

  4. hee hee hee
    been there.

    BOTH with a LONG blonde ratty wig and a HOT pink short one, so ummm ;-) yah

    seriously, you're going to miss this, promise.

  5. Maybe you can borrow that wig in about 10 years when she's wanting to be dropped off at the mall :-P

  6. Your kids sure do love dress-up! Why do those wigs always get frayed, anyway?


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