
This is a RARE picture of Dad and I.

Do you all do this? When I look at this picture, I think Dad looks great, and for the most part I actually don't look too bad....but, Holy gums Batman! smile is ALL GUMS!

Still think it's a good picture...even with my gums:/


  1. It's a GREAT picture, gums and all! Makes me miss my dad!

  2. I agree with mep, it's a great picture! And yes, we all do that. I think everyone has some aspect of their face that bothers them and whenever they see photos that is the thing they focus on. For me, it's my nose. Gah, do I hate it. But you? Look radiant in that photo!

  3. What a great picture! You're so pretty lady.

  4. Great picture. You are lovely. And your gums look very healthy.

  5. This is my first time to visit your blog and I actually like it. I have a knack in searching for blogs related to Tummy Tankz.

  6. You look gorgeous. We all have things we dislike about ourselves and no one else notices them as we do.

  7. Just realizing I can't think of a single recent picture of me and my dad. Lucky, pretty you to have such a nice moment!


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