Ebay On Location

The good folks at Ebay, invited me to Ebay OL this weekend. They weren't asking for anything, just wanted me to attend. Since I'm extremely impressed with the Ebay Classified Ambassador program* (which I was not a part of) I was very curious to hear what they had to say.
That's me in the middle, sitting next to Little Tech Girl, and Chaos to Order. On my other side is Richard (cool guy with cool job) who runs Ebay's blog, Ebay Ink.

I love brands that reach out to our community. It's great when folks can see that we "mommy bloggers" are a savvy bunch, who have mastered the art of social media.

What I found most interesting was the fact that Ebay was reaching out to their community, giving them tools to further their business on Ebay, by using blogs, Twitter and Facebook to draw customers to individual Ebay stores...sound like anything you might have a bit of knowledge on? Yeah...me too;)

Quite frankly, I have no idea where this new relationship will go, but I was extremely happy with my experience, and I look forward to seeing where this goes. I truly believe that we "mommy bloggers" are on the front end of a movement...and I think Ebay sees that too.

Can you feel it? There are good things coming our way:)

*A program where Ebay Classifieds invited a group of Mom Bloggers to San Jose to teach them about SEO and ways to draw traffic to their sites. My understanding is that is was a very successful exchange between bloggers, and Ebay.


  1. Very cool. I never thought of people behind ebay..weird I know.

  2. Fun! I have been using ebay a LOT lately for my homeschool supplies. Every day's a new delivery!

  3. Oh, I love eBay! Can you believe I have IRL friends that have never been on eBay? That is plural. I am shocked. That looks like a great time. Glad you were invited and I hope that relationship continues to grow.

  4. I am just wondering where you are sitting - in some sort of kitchen? You look hot sister. ;-)

    Glad you are moving and shaking things up in Chicago....!

  5. Hey really great idea to make money on ebay. I think it’s a good opportunity. i really like post. thanks for the information.

  6. What made this a successful and worthwhile event for you to attend? I sometimes host social media events, and feedback from attendees is always appreciated!


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