#25 Gene

Daily Chuck...

I'm not sure we can go so far as to say that Smokey is getting his Kiss on...but he's giving it the good old college try;P

I'm at a Word Camp all weekend. "Word Camp" kinda makes me sound like a geek:/ It's a WordPress developers conference...and I'm hoping to learn a lot *fingers crossed*

Don't panic...my blog is not turning into the Smokey/Chuck show...I just gotta keep up with my girl Heather (Heather my love...can you slow down on the Chucks?) I'm going to try to crank one more out this weekend.

Smokey is turning into such a diva...


  1. Hmmm I was thinking more Rolling Stones than Kiss.

  2. I love the cat! Just promise that won't cut us off totally from the cat pics, K?

  3. What a great pic, but I try and steer clear of the cat breath when I can!

  4. Hmm. Smokey is smokin' hot, er, I mean he's really handsome!

  5. Awesome shot! You done good.

  6. You say Word Camp and all I think is that tv show Word World. Have fun!

  7. That is one fantastic photograph! You are getting soooooo good girlie :-) BTW, how the hell did you get him to stick out his tongue????


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