Who The?

I can not be the only person sick of this economy. Here in Chicago/Illinois, it seems both the city, and the state are literally in the process of circling the drain. Yes, we are talking doomsday predictions in the paper...total Armageddon stuff:/With all that nonsense going on...Who the heck is building all these INSANE McMansions in my hood?!?
Seriously...look at this bad boy! I walk by it at least four times a week. I highly doubt I'll ever live in a house so huge (This is not the house that blog design built:O) I gotta think taxes alone on it are topping out at $50,000 a year:/Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to live here...

Would it change me?

Would I start drinking martinis in the afternoon, while wearing a black sheath dress and smoking a cigarette through one of those long black tubes?

Would I talk with an under bite, and call everyone "Dahling"?
Would I start throwing a hissy fit if the staff didn't enter through the correct door?

Would I vacation somewhere warm and spectacular, and never spend any time in my fabulously large house?

Perhaps I'd just be my same old self, with my nose in my Macbook Pro blogging and designing...Perhaps I'll find out one day...or not;)


  1. That would be nice to have no money worries wouldn't it?

  2. I think I would just be stressed out by all the other bathrooms I'd now have to clean...because goodness knows, if I can't afford a cleaning person now, I definitely couldn't after moving into a place like that!

  3. Please don't get a house like that because I don't want to have to start calling you Mrs. Nap Warden.

  4. Overheard: "This is the summer residence of the Nap-Wardens. The Chicago Nap-Wardens? You've heard of them, I'm sure, dahling."

  5. I'd sign up to be your personal assistant. I could live in the west wing. You'd never even know I was there...

  6. That sucker is bigger than the high school I attended! What the what!?

  7. Wow, how did I not notice that? You think I would take note that mini Versailles was being built in our neighborhood.

    The King of Lincoln Park has got to be p.o.'d!

  8. I think you would be the same Nap Warden, but you would be hoarse all of the time. Can you imagine yelling across that place to/at your kids??

  9. I think you'd be just the same!! Now, is it a new build or have they renovated an old building.

  10. You'd probably spend half your time trying to find your Macbook.

  11. Wow, what a spectacular house!

    I would love to get a gander at the floor plan for that bad boy.

    Those windows are awesome. Sigh.

  12. How many lots is that? Millions of dollars in land value alone!

    Holy moly!

  13. Good gawd it looks like a post office in NYC :P

  14. Its a beautiful home for sure.. but wonder if they are happy behind all that stone.

  15. pretty sure I'll never live in a house like that, and I'm ok with it. But...I def would start drinking in the afternoon. Why wait till 5? right?

  16. Are you sure that's a private residence?? Yikes! I can't even imagine.

  17. You wouldn't have much time for design, because you'd be busy managing the large staff who cares for your house, your children, and other those other. They would take cute pictures of your family and you would be reduced to merely deciding which one would be published on the blog and one what day. Of course you'd make these decisions from your chaise lounge and someone else would do the actual "work" of publishing.

  18. Tomorrow night. PowerBall. Do it.


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