Slacker Mom

I feel like a total slacker mom. There, I said it.

It's weird, because actually, I'm there for my kiddos every moment of the day. Before preschool, I took the kiddos to the zoo, or the museum, or the park every week. I really don't have any mom friends, so it's just us...

Cue preschool. In the city, preschool options are expensive. Not only could we not afford some of the private preschools, but I it would have been quite a feet to get in even if we could. Literally, at the last minute, we got Miss Peach into a great preschool. It isn't cheap, but it's doable.

Now, I am surrounded by all these moms who make me feel like a total slacker:( They are all worked up about homework for the preschoolers, and whether or not their 4 year old is being held back by some of the 3 year olds in the class. Ummmm...what?

I was just happy to have her in an environment where she could learn to spell her name, and socialize with other kiddos. These moms seem to be gunning for Harvard! Don't even get me started on the wardrobes...

Most days, I drop Miss Peach off in running clothes, since I go for a run after I drop her off. Slacker that I am...some days, I haven't gotten the shower in by the time I pick her up (I am not a total dirt bag, I do shower every day, just not always before I pick her up). Usually, I'm perfectly comfortable in workout gear...until now. These moms pick their kiddos up in full on make up, with hair done, knee high boots tucked into perfect fit jeans...the whole shebang.

No matter how I slice it, I can't rationalize doing my hair and makeup to pick my daughter up from preschool! Am I wrong? I mean, good Lord people...what bad Stepford Wife episode have I wandered into here?!?

Now if you'll excuse me...I have to go change out of my sweats, and into my pajamas...


  1. I'm with you! It's hard to get down on the floor and play with your pre-schooler when your wearing knee-high boots, don't you think?

  2. Very rarely do I even change out of my pajamas until the weekend (different pajamas for different days, but still, pajamas). Cus I'm classy like that.

  3. Oh, girl, I am LOL'ing, because your kiddoes are soooo young and you have so much more of this ahead of you. Sorry. Welcome to the school mommy trenches. I'm here to tell you, when you start getting caught up in class parties and fundraisers and OMG SARA DIDN'T INVITE MADDY TO HER BIRTHDAY PARTY! you'll see, this is only the beginning.....

  4. You're not a slacker mom! Those moms are there just to pretend to other moms that they have everything together. Who knows what their homes are really like :D

    The important thing is that Miss Peach is enjoying the socialising at pre-school and learning to learn the fun way.

  5. Its a good thing I don't really care about that kind of stuff, because I am not about to start dressing up for school pickups. I have even dropped my kids off in my PJs. But I don't have to go in to get them. Still, I would not bother with makeup for that. I probably would brush my hair, though. LOL
    I just don't get caught up in that. I have 7 kids, and I am always getting slopped on by a kid, so I am not getting fancy to get my clothes ruined daily. I am in a frumpy stage, and there is just no denying it. Take it or leave it!
    Don't give in to the peer pressure!

  6. Okay, I'm on the other side of the commenters here. I'm one of THOSE moms. I get dressed everyday to pick Miss Missy up from school and I make sure that I'm looking good with my hair done and makeup on. Why because it makes me feel good. And YES I like for people to think that I have it all together... even though I dont!

    Yeah I do talk about those that come to the school in PJ's because to me that's just lazy and My husband would divorce me if I was one of THOSE moms. I feel that my image is important and just as I would have my kids go out the house any kind of way, neither would I. That's just me.

    All that being said, I understand the sweat and gym shoes. At least you're dressed!

  7. Hehehe. This reminds me of a scene from the movie "Baby Boom". Have you ever seen it? A bunch of mommies are sitting around the sandbox at the park talking about preschools and if their kid didn't get into the right preschool, the could forget about a good prep school and any hope of an Ivy League college. hehe I thought it was just a funny scene, but it sounds like some people's real lives. Ha! That's funny.

  8. i am so there with you. I RARELY am all dressed and primped when i get girls from school, i go to gym in am and then do drop off and errend running and eat lunch and then i pick up in same outfit still smelly with greasy hair and YES sometimes i have done this after NOT showering 2 days. next to me is a mom in her perfect outfit and i make up and i wonder what they think of me. but really why do i have to look like i am heading out to dinner when i am sitting in my house doing laundry, playing with my kids, and making dinner ??? i am with you nap warden, come see my new blog - feener

  9. Been there, done this, so glad I'm not going back. My grandfather used to drop Miss Muffin off at preschool because I left for work at kennel by 5 am. I picked her up on my way home from work in my dirty, smelly, dog fur coated work clothes. The looks I got were just amazing, some days I just wanted to scream.

    It's funny how they all equate preschool with college, I guess in some circles it really matters; but anyone who thinks that their kid can't get into an ivy league college without the right preschool is nuts.

    ~Calico Contemplations

  10. I'm with you - I don't usually shower until 2-4 pm!!

  11. Most days I don't shower until Sophie's afternoon nap. But I do get dressed and kind of made up every day. It's the one thing I do for myself. I have a feeling, though, that those ladies would put my "made up" to shame.

  12. I can see sweats or running clothes, but not pjs. I see parents in our office with jammie pants and I would NEVER look like that. But that's just me.

  13. Dude, you're not there to impress anyone. You're there to pick up kids. And if someone is judging you because you're wearing sweats they've got insecurity issues.

  14. Girl, I'm happy if I DO get a shower in! Don't worry about it. I'm sure there are some of the mothers there who are so stressed from the feeling of NEEDING to "dress" for school pick-up that they are nervous wrecks.

    Hey! Call me. I can't find your email or phone# or anything. My cell is dead, though... Shoot. Email me and I'll call you from my home # so we can figure out what to do tonight.

  15. I wear workout clothes every day that I am home, and I never workout. Not ever. Also, many nights I don't even change out of my sweats into my pajamas. Kind of sad to have a daily wardrobe that can double as sleep wear!

  16. Oh yeah. I see it too. I wear my workout clothes to drop off Quinn - then head to the gym and back just in time to pick him up. I'm just thankful I get a good workout in and I'm sure I look worse at pick up then I did at drop off. =)

  17. Oh, you are definitely not wrong! Who cares how you're dressed to drop off or pick up your preschooler?!

  18. Oh, forgot to mention I have something for you at my blog.

  19. My daughter's preschool has a drive-through option. they come and take her out of the car in the AM and then bring her back to the car in the PM. There is days I bring her in my pjs.
    I get what you're saying. I thought Kindergarten was where they start learning, and pre-school was for fun and socialization? Now, it seems teachers have high expectations that they will enter K with the basic skills that K used to teach? Since when is pre-school mandatory? It shouldn't be.
    Those moms would drive me absolutely nuts. And if anyone suggested my daughter, who is the youngest, was holding their kids back, well...someone would need to hold ME back!
    Good luck with it!

  20. Sooo glad you wrote this! I get that same feeling when I drop off and pick up my daughter! Who are these women and soooo competitive. What ever happened to just being a kid.

  21. seriously...when all is said and won't matter what your wore.....but who you were. Your children know the difference.

  22. Hehehe as a fellow slacker at least I am in good company.

  23. Oh good lord. My preschool is so not that way. You're in good company. Trust me!

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  25. In a lighthearted way, 'Slacker Mom' rewrites the rules of contemporary motherhood, accepting flaws and the fact that life isn't always Pinterest-perfect. This viewpoint serves as a welcome reminder to parents who are feeling overburdened by social expectations that it is acceptable to prioritise self-care over other commitments and to take short cuts when parenting gets hectic.


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