Gimmie a Break!

I am assuming you've seen this commercial, it's not new...Well, I can't take it anymore. It's giving me a complex. Good Lord!

First, could Kelly Rippa be any tinier? Perfect little clothes, and perfect little shoes, perfect hair...I'm lucky when I get in a shower! If I buy this machine, will I look that good while I'm doing my laundry? No, scratch that...will I do my laundry?
Second, I have never felt like I got it together...never! She is marching around in a perfect house, with perfect appliances and perfect kiddos...I can't keep up with that!
Third, I'm thinking maybe if our gal Kelly starts out without all her sh*t together (like me). Then buys the machine...and then, it all falls into perfectness. That I can buy into. That would make me consider buying the product.

Believe me, I know it's just a commercial. It might be that it just speaks to all of the inadequacies I feel every day when it comes to running my little household...I just don't know.

Speaking of my little household, you all had great insights on moving and money and where one lives. I don't see us leaving the city, but it is something that will always be an option (hopefully one we won't have to use)

Oh, I spent today being a nosy neighbor. There is a 3 million dollar house on the market across the street, and a 2 million dollar house for sale a few doors down. Both had open houses today, so I went snooping...If you guys are interested, I'll show you some pics and let you know what bucco dollars gets you in The Big's crazy! (I don't have it, I wonder who does)


  1. I want to see...where do yo live? I live in boon-dock-no-where-redneck-loving-life-Alabama.....3 million dollars would buy the whole town...

  2. Wow. You must live in some neighborhood! And you are worried about Kelly's perfect house?

  3. Oh, I know, and I totally get it. Annoying.

    She is tiny. Maybe if I could buy her teeny little body and squeeze myself into it I'd be ready to dish out the money for an Electrolux. Who looks like THAT doing housework. And who are we kidding? She doesn't do the housework!!!

  4. I so don't live in one of the million dollar houses. I am in a tiny town home. I am in the right a place that you could fit about 4 of them into the big $ homes;)

  5. I've seen that commercial about 10 zillion times and it is so incredibly annoying.

  6. I have a very palpable loathing for that commercial. LOATHING.

    My Cheerio strewn carpets, my 12-year-old oven, my laminate covered counter tops, my scratched wood floors, my neglected laundry . . . well, they loathe it too.

  7. I'm living in $1.3 million in Northern California (renting, not purchased... ho-ho nooo way). Don't get me wrong. I love our new house and we moved here for the schools, but I when I think about what $1.3 million was in Texas... Well, let's just say I DON'T :-)

    P.S. I HATE that commercial too.

  8. I love going to those open houses. In the US, do they ask you to leave your name and number for security reasons (supposedly)? They do that in Australia and then you always get the annoying call asking you what you thought....

  9. I thought we were the only ones who did that. The house across the street is for sale too. We snooped. It's fun.
    Would love to see pictures.
    I hate that commercial. What they don't show you is the live in nanny and full time cook she has.

  10. First off, I'd love to see pictures. Just seeing pictures of a nice new CLEAN place would give me hope, if only for a brief moment.

    Secondly, there are way too many people who make Kelly who she is, I'm sure. I've never seen her precious little rugrats running around the set of Regis and Kelly, so somebody else must be watching them AND cleaning up after them.

    Lastly, I just (had to) got a new front load washer and dryer. I have done a better job of getting the laundry washed and dried, mostly because the front load is a novelty. But I have yet to see the clean laundry launched in the air, come down crisp and strait on a hanger, much less in the closet or on a girl. And my girls have tried. Of course, if each child only had 2 outfits, I might stand a better chance.

  11. I love those commercials when she magically flips the cookies on the plates. I think she needs to eat a few.

  12. That's just not reality. That "perfectness" doesn't exist in a truly happy home! Set your own standards, goals, expectations, and if your meeting them, then you're doing just fine. BTW, you're pretty tiny yourself as I recall...skinny jean girl!;)

  13. I think the same thing when I see this commercial. She's really spending her days making sure the cooking / cleaning / gardening people know what to do and working with her personal trainer.

    And I'm sure she spends lots of fun time with the kids, since the nanny is doing the sticky / messy / yucky parts.

  14. Funny. When I see Kelly Ripa doing anything, I think about how freakin' miserable she must be. She just looks like she's faking the happy all the time, and that's a hell of a lot of work.

  15. I hate all commercials that show us all the perfect moms. I am not perfect, nor will I ever be. I would be miserable if I had to try to be perfect.

  16. That is annoying!! I can never be the kind of housewife!!

  17. OMG.


    ((((and FYI... I"m craving the Big Sur Marathon.... and I think we should totally meet up there!!!! yessss!!!!)))))

  18. I hate that commercial. Usually when I see it, I'm sitting on the couch like a slug stuffing my face.

  19. Hee hee, I blogged about Kelly Ripa back in December when I passed her at an exhibit in Epcot where she and Regis were shooting a Disney World show or two. She looks smaller than a size 0!

  20. like Kelly Ripa would do laundry in those heels!!! Plus she says right on her show that she has a personal chef???

  21. Okay, I admit. I really do love this commercial. And I wish I looked like that too. Wow. I can pretend.

  22. I never look that good doing laundry. And like she actually DOES laundry? ;)


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