How'd the Running Go? hard! These folks are fast. We did a 20-25 min warm up run. There was a doctor/woman from Argentina who was off like a shot...She was fast! So, after the warm up (more like the wipe out for me), we ran up a hill and back with no recovery, not once...not twice...but FIVE times! Then, we did a 20-25 "recovery" run back. Now every one else was running at about 40%, I'd say I was at about 58% to try to keep up. I did, but it was killin' me!
One would think, after all that, they would let me lay down on the floor...noooo. Now it was time for some "core" workout:O Yes people, after all that we did crunches! I. WANTED. TO. DIE! But, I didn't, I did the crunches. These folks are really intense. I've definitely stepped up to a whole new level. It's either gonna kill me...or get me to Boston:P


  1. OMG!!! I would have died for sure! You won't be able to move tomorrow! Take some advil NOW!!!! ;)
    Great job!

  2. that sounds like tons of fun!!! Book that ticket to Boston now, because you are going woman!

  3. i am really impressed with your training. wow.

  4. WOW! That sounds intense. I don't know how you do it. You will be ready for Boston in no time.

  5. You go girl! I have so much respect for you and all you are doing to achieve one of your goals!

  6. Oh my gosh! That sounds like so much work but it will definitely pay off and be so rewarding. I really wish I had as much motivation as you do. You go girl!

  7. look at you go! Next time will be easier and easier and you will be leading the pack before you know it!

  8. amazing feet to Boston is what I'm going to call you. I hope you can blink your eyes after that work-out. Wow!!!

  9. Holy hell. I am sure if it had been me 911 would have been called!
    Good for you!!!

  10. Way to go!! I would have died. Or yacked. Glad the new group is going to get you where you want to go (hopefully, that's Boston and not the ER!!!)!

  11. Hard core! What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. And sorer.

  12. I'm so impressed you kept up with the crazies! Good for you. The thought of doing planks or sit ups after running that much? Made my abs hurt FOR YOU!

  13. See, I can run, but at a comfy snails pace. I could never ever do that. Obviously you are up for the challenge, congrats!

  14. WOW! I'm so impressed with you. You must be so fit! You should be proud of yourself!

  15. That's marathon training? Wow! You must be in great shape.

  16. Good luck with the running. As hard as it seems, it does get addictive, no?

  17. You rock. I am so impressed.

    And I just read Manager Mom's comment...I wish I would become addicted to running. As opposed to, say, carbs. ;-)

  18. Wow - I'm tired just reading about this...

    BTW - I've been telling my brother (who's also training for the SF marathon) about your schedule. He agrees with me... good for you!


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