Random Thoughts Volume V

I might be going crazy...has this ever happened to you? I am totally sick of food. I don't mean that in some "I have to lose weight" kind of way. I mean, I am sick of thinking about what to make for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I am sick of making breakfast, lunch and dinner. To top it off, I am sick of eating breakfast, lunch and dinner! I don't know where this came from? I am just sick of food. Weird, I know...
I started a MySpace page. Again, I don't know why. I just found myself on it...next thing I knew, I had a page. Now, I am not sure what the point of it is. So, I tossed some of my illustrations on it. So if any of you are MySpacers, befriend me or something, cause now that I have it...I'm not quite sure what to do with it...
On the running front, it is going better than I expected. I suppose taking care of two toddlers kept me in better shape than I thought. I ran three 5K's on my own last week, and topped it off with a five mile run. I'd say I kept a pretty respectable pace. No one is more surprised by this than me, I literally haven't run in a year! On days when Husband gets home late, I pile the babies into the stroller and take them with me. Soooo hard! We are talking about 80lbs of kiddo and stroller! It makes me feel like a Clydesdale, but I keep chuggin' along...
Did anyone watch DWtS, or AI? I thought they were both really boring finales:( Kristy Y. won (big shocker). Looks like David A. will win AI (again, big shocker). Too bad, I was rooting for David C...amend that, yay David Cook wins!!!
Lastly, holy Horatio got shot on CSI Miami! I do have a spoiler, so don't read on if you don't want to know...Apparently, H. is going underground to take care of "some business", so he faked his death. Seems pretty fishy to me. I mean, how do you come back from that? Plus, he's doing it to "protect" Saved by the Bell girl (who I can't stand, big ole' bucket of bad casting there) and the kid. Last time I checked, she was a criminal and belonged in jail (didn't she kill a witness?)...So why is H. going out on a limb for her? I suppose I won't get any answers until the fall. Boo hiss!


  1. I don't myspace or else you would toatlly be my friend. and H from CSI is alwyas going on a limb for some chick.. he needs to prioritize.

  2. Congrats on the running - I think I would be lucky to make it a mile!

  3. I'm so proud of you for sticking with your running!
    I knew H was going to get shot because of the damn glasses this whole season. It was such a tipper. Of course he survives, otherwise where would the show go :-) Thanks for the heads up.
    I too despise that chick from SBTB. :-)

  4. Okay, I tried to be your friend but the best I could do was leave a comment on blog I think.

  5. I SO have the same feelings about food! I think it comes from that fact that it is not just me that I have to feed 3+ times a day, but the kids, as well as my husband if he is around. I really want to start meal planning for the week ahead to help get me out of this rut, but that would mean thinking about 7 days worth of meals!

    That is awesome about your running! The kids and I walk every morning and I am slowly trying to add some running in - that 80+ pounds of kiddos and stroller kicks my rear mighty fast.

    I caught the DWTS finale last night and have to agree - not really that exciting . . . so glad it was on the DVR - I ended up forwarding through a great deal of it.

  6. ugh food, meals, same. my girls have 3 standard meals they eat for dinner. i finally made something for me and hubby that was new, artichoke chicken, it was easy and good and different.

    running. you go girl. i can NOT do it with the double stroller.....ok, maybe i can but i don't want to. i ran 3 miles today and sat. i am hoping to run in a 5 mile race

    i don't watch csi maimi that much but i have seen some parts and that slut from showgirls save the bell is SCARY looking, something ain't right on her face. you know.

    i watch criminal minds and the finale was tonight - they blew someone up ????

  7. I am sick of trying to think of what to feed my kids for breakfast, lunch and dinner. it's always the same and when i mix it up, they don't like it.


    We need to start watching the same shows. :)

  8. Yep, I thought AI and DWTS were both pretty boring. At least David Cook won. Yeah!

  9. I have the world's SLOWEST eater...

    So on top of figuring out my 21 meals a week that I'm going to shop for, prep for, slave over, and then clean up after... I'm also stuck sitting for an un-gawdly amount of time while my daughter eats one-methodical-bite at a time...

  10. LOL! How do you get sick of eating? I could never be that :)

  11. Yay for David C!

    And CSI is CRAZY right now!

  12. I completely know what you mean about meals. I get so sick of deciding what to eat and what to cook...to the point of not even wanting to eat. So I end up eating junk. Not good.

    But hey - good for you about the running!!!

  13. Meal planning. UGH.

    And way to go with the running. I only run if someone is chasing me. Someone dangerous.

  14. OK I can only wish I had a problem with food, it would allow me to drop that last 10lbs so I can be a HAWT momma of 2 :)

  15. I watched AI for the first time in years last night and found myself remembering why I don't watch it. I need to Tivo it and just fast forward to the last ten seconds. That's pretty much all that matters.

  16. I hate cooking and planning meals. To me, that is the worst part of being a mother. It is always the same old stuff.

    Congrats on your running!!!

  17. We could start a "sick of food" club.

  18. I'm at amazed at how much TV knowledge you have?!

    I'm so glad Cook won!

  19. way to go on the running! i wish i got sick of eating. . .totally hear you about being tired of cooking and figuring out what to cook! the only regular tv i can manage is LOST. can't wait for that season finale (so soon!?!?)

  20. When I hit that "sick of making food" phase, I head to Chick-fil-A, or do what I did tonight and make Jeff go to CFA!

    Way to go on the running!!!

  21. Sick of food? Gosh I can relate! That's one of my downfalls..
    I get sick of cooking so I start hitting restaurants and fast food joints. (At least I used to) I'm trying to be a good boy lately, but man am I craving a Wendy's Baconator!!

  22. I get sick of food too sometimes, especially if I've had to cook alot. Sometimes it's just exhausting coming up with interesting things to eat. I know I'm in a slump when I can't even think of takeout that sounds interesting.

  23. Dude, I cannot even run solo. Props to you for pushing the kiddos in the stroller!

  24. I can't believe you run that far pushing the stroller. You are a machine! I am just in awe...


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